Corrupt DB: Nzbs

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Corrupt DB: Nzbs

Postby gertjans » Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:37 am

After loading headers today, all storage for the downloaded groups is gone (in the spool_v6 folder). I am meant to believe the groups have no items, which is clearly incorrect.

When I try to load an nzb file that still worked yesterday, I now get the error:
[04/22 11:29:07] ERROR Insert Failed: Shouldn't be possible: corrupt DB: Nzbs

What to do?

I am running Newsbin Pro 6.82 - Build: 5142

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Re: Corrupt DB: Nzbs

Postby gertjans » Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:58 am

After trying many different things, I managed to fix it when I changed the following part in the .ini from




I have no idea why that would make any difference. The only thing I can imagine is some very weird corruption on my drive A, even though there is no problem in using drive A for storing the downloaded messages.
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Re: Corrupt DB: Nzbs

Postby Quade » Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:16 pm

Traditionally "A:\" is dedicated to what were floppy drives. I'd never use a hard drive letter of "A:" because there are certain assumptions built into that letter because of historical reasons. I'm not clear how it would ever get set to A: but PC's are all different.
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