nzb par problem

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

nzb par problem

Postby drake00 » Wed May 20, 2020 3:00 pm

I am using NewsBin for many years, but I've encountered a new problem that renders the program useless if there are any problems with the chunks.
Giganews recently shows a lot of incomplete posts, but most of the time the posts have enough pars to repair them.
However, after the download had been completed, Newsbin does not repair them.
Here is the most recent situation:
List of files in the Download Descriptions Download Path
<FileName.nzb> [PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[FileName.mkv]-[1/11] - "" yEnc 29571391793 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName
[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[par.vol000+001.par2]-[3/11] - ""yEnc 1613404 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName
[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[FileName.mkv]-[1/11] - "" yEnc 29571391793 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName
[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[par.vol001+002.par2]-[3/11] - ""yEnc 2662048 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName
[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[par.vol003+004.par2]-[3/11] - ""yEnc 5323980 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName
[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[par.vol007+008.par2]-[3/11] - ""yEnc 10083200 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName
[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[par.vol015+016.par2]-[3/11] - ""yEnc 19036996 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName
[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[par.vol255+028.par2]-[3/11] - ""yEnc 31620724 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName
[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[par.vol031+032.par2]-[3/11] - ""yEnc 36379944 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName
[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[par.vol063+064.par2]-[3/11] - ""yEnc 70501196 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName
[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[par.vol127+128.par2]-[3/11] - ""yEnc 138179056 C:\Users\MK\Documents\Newsbin\FileName

All files have Status Downloaded.

Now, I have two files in the download path folder, one (real name) and another one (again real name). If I run QuickPar it renames the files to FileName and repairs them.
However, AutoPAR never attempts to repair them, and where are the remaining par files? I should have 9, and I have only one. In several occasions I downloaded multi part file that had only 2 blocks missing, and enough pars to fix up to 64 blocks, but despite the download description showing multiple pars downloaded, only one par shows in the download path folder, and usually it is the smallest one, that cannot be used alone to repair the download.
I've been trying to locate the missing pars, searching through all my drives, but to no avail.
Please help
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Re: nzb par problem

Postby Quade » Thu May 21, 2020 12:22 am

Dex pointed one of these out the other day. If it's the same as thing one. The actual name of the pars isn't following the normal PAR naming standard. I believe what's happening is they all have the same name and only one is left after download. It's probably going to take a new beta to solve this since the change seems to have happened after 6.82. You could try manually loading the NZB and downloading one of the larger PARS by itself and see if it can repair the file.
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Re: nzb par problem

Postby drake00 » Thu May 21, 2020 3:24 am

Thank you Quade, I've been going out of my mind trying to figure it out.
I was trying to load just the biggest par, but had no luck. I hope new beta will take care of this.
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