Speed issues

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Speed issues

Postby alfke » Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:26 pm


I just upgraded my internet to 1 gigabit which I verified with speedtest.net. I also just upgraded Newsbin to v690.B4 Build 5255. I am using Newshosting as a usenet provider. I am only getting half of the speed I am expecting with Newsbin.

2 years ago I had 750 down with this same provider and ISP, and newsbin had no issues.

I am trying to determine where the issue is. It's possible newshosting is throttling, but I cannot be sure.

Is there a way to speedtest newsbin?


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Re: Speed issues

Postby mimauk » Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:46 pm

I use a little programme called Net Traffic which has a little graph window and a readout in MB. It is just a small window which is transparent and I have it placed up on the top right of the desktop out of the way.
You can start a download and get the speed showing in a graph and also in digits. It also has a statistics page where you can see daily/weekly/ monthly usage.
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