Headers downloaded but not stored

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Headers downloaded but not stored

Postby mojo-chan » Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:12 am

Newsbin 6.82 x64 on Windows 8.

I added a new group and downloaded all headers. Approximately 800,000 headers were downloaded, but only 10 or so were actually stored. The "Storage.db3" file is only 44k.

I have no filters. Downloading headers took about 1 minute. Drive has plenty of free space. Tried "Show all files" option.

Any ideas?
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Re: Headers downloaded but not stored

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:48 pm

Is it a binary group? My first thought is that it's a non-binary group.

In the options windows, click "Open Data Folder" then look in the "Import" folder. See if there are still files it's importing.

800,000 is pretty much a dead group. It could be your "Storage Age" setting has thrown away all the posts because they're from before the age range the "Storage Age" will keep around.
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Re: Headers downloaded but not stored

Postby mojo-chan » Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:45 pm

Thanks, it was the storage age setting that was doing it. In the settings it says "delete file data older than N days" which I took to mean delete old downloaded data, not delete the old headers.
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