New Configration File

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

New Configration File

Postby Penalty22 » Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:54 pm

Something happened to my .nbi and I had to start from scratch. Got most things back to where they were except for 2 notable things

When files are removed from the download (in process) list, the removed files now go to the recycle bin rather than being completely deleted. A small annoyance

The bigger one is the Search function. For almost any search, nothing is showing up. I don't get the box saying "Nothing Found". I just get the blank box. I've checked by using things I know exist and nothing shows. I'm sure I have some setting wrong, but I haven't been able to figure out what/where.

Any ideas
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Re: New Configration File

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:43 pm

1 - Is an option. It's in the autopar options.

2 - I'm not sure. I'd make sure it's set for "Internet".

You know Newsbin keeps backup copies of the configuration on your PC? You can use the "Load Backup Configuration On Restart" from the utilities menu. If you've restarted Newsbin too many times though since you lost the NBI, you can lose the backups.
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