Watch List, Look in Topic

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Watch List, Look in Topic

Postby nordwind » Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:33 pm

Version: 6.82 Build: 5142

I created a new Watch List that should run my search in all availabile groups. Therefore I used the option "Source: Internet" (I have an active search subsription of course).
But I am a little bit confused about the input field "Look in Topic". I can not select "All Groups" permanently. If I close the Watch List menue with OK and re open it - "All Groups" is deselected an there is always my first manualy created group-folder selected.

This issue was already mentioned in this thred:

Is there meanwhile an other solution, then editing the newsbin.ini file for eatch new Watch List?

I hope you can help me.
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Re: Watch List, Look in Topic

Postby Quade » Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:59 am

I suspect it's just a cosmetic issue. There is no "All Groups" topic. So when you pick that it just doesn't set a topic in this watch list. The default is to no add a topic for search based searches.

I tested this in the current beta and when you select "All Groups" it shows "All groups" when go back and re-check.
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Re: Watch List, Look in Topic

Postby nordwind » Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:55 am

Hi Quade, thank you for your fast replay. You wrote: "The default is to no add a topic for search based searches". How can I achieve this? I go this way:

1. open "Watch List"
2. create "New Watch"

then I only select:
Source: Internet
Search For: test (for example)

the default entry in "Look in Topic" is "Testfolder".

"Testfolder" is my manually created Group Folder with some active groups in it. The Problem is - it does no matter what I select in "Look in Topic" - "All Groups" ore even if I delete "Testfolder" and leave it blank. After re-check there is always "Testfolder" selected.
I made some tests also on a second computer. There is allways the same behavior.

If I use "Test Watch" I get different results of course, when I change "Pick Topic" from "Testfolder" to "All Groups" ore delete the entry.

You wrote, you have not this issue when you go back and re-check. Maybe there are some missmatches in my installations (I often upgraded from older versions). Is there a way for a clean re-installation with getting back my existing settings?
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Re: Watch List, Look in Topic

Postby nordwind » Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:48 pm

Meanwhile I did some more tests and it seems to behave as follows:

1. Source: Internet
It does not matter what I enter in "Look in Topic".
Search works over all available groups and runs according to the setting in "Automatic Seach Interval".
So it seems you are right and "Look in Topic" is just an cosmetic issue here.

2. Source: Header Download
With "Look in Topic" I can specify the group-folder to download from.
It should run according to the automatic group-update intervall.

Look in Topic: All Groups
"All Groups" did not work. It will always be replaced with the first group-folder.

Please, can you confirm it - ore correct me.
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Re: Watch List, Look in Topic

Postby Quade » Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:00 pm

You can verify whether it's adding a "look in groups" by setting up a new search based watch topic then exiting Newsbin and looking inside the NBI file. There should be a section named for the new watch

[Watch name]

And inside this section you can see whether a look in group was defined.
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Re: Watch List, Look in Topic

Postby nordwind » Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:08 pm

I just tested it again, eaven with the latest beta.
From inside newsbin pro there was no way to set permanetly "Look in Topic: All Groups".

At last, I used the workaround mentioned in my first post and changed manually all entries to "SearchIn=All Groups" in mewsbin.ini.
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Re: Watch List, Look in Topic

Postby Quade » Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:24 pm

Using 6.90B7, the latest beta, I made a new watch list item. When I opened the window "All Groups" was already selected in the options. Then I added a search term, changed it to "internet" then closed the window. When I re-opened the window and checked, it still said "All groups".

Then I closed the windows, re-opened, set it to a topic, then closed the window. Re-opened, it was still set to the new topic. Then I closed, re-opened and set it to "All groups". It remained all groups.

So I don't see what you're seeing.

It does not matter what I enter in "Look in Topic".

This stood out on re-read. You don't type things into "Look in Topic" you use the drop down list. I'll change it so it's impossible to type in this field. I can see how that might be confusing.
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Re: Watch List, Look in Topic

Postby nordwind » Sun Mar 07, 2021 3:03 pm

Thank you very mutch for your help.

To be sure, I installed the latest stable on a new machine - and you are right, here it works correctly. The error is obviously due to my old installation.

On my running system I tried the following:
- backuped/renamed the Newsbin folder (under AppData/Local),
- completely deinstalled Newsbin,
- reinstalled Newsbin -> the new installation works well.

But when I try to use the old Newsbin folder I get the known errors of course. So - is there any possibility to use my old settings on the new installation?
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Re: Watch List, Look in Topic

Postby nordwind » Sun Mar 07, 2021 3:13 pm

Brief note:

This stood out on re-read. You don't type things into "Look in Topic" you use the drop down list. I'll change it so it's impossible to type in this field. I can see how that might be confusing.

Maybe we had misunderstood each other. I used the dropdown list of course. In my opinion there should be no confusion on this point for any users.
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