back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

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back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Mon May 10, 2021 4:55 pm

Longtime Newsbin user happy to be back after 8 months off using and suffering as a noob with Linux & SABnzbd.

Unlike before, now my PC is new and fast and can easily handle my gigabit connection. (AMD 5950x, ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero with it's 2.5GB NIC.)

I'm on Newsbin Pro 6.90B7 Build 5317. Giganews Primary, Tweaknews Fill servers.

Quite a lot is surprising me.

For one, on my old slow now-dead Windows PC Newsbin started downloading nearly immediately. Now it takes minutes. For much of which Newsbin looks frozen. Then it unfreezes and shows maybe a minute of d/l progress.

The download speed is all over the place. Often (and always at first) just a couple Mbps. Sometimes it pops up to five-hundred-something Mbps. Sometimes it's one-hundred-something. Never does it attain the 940 Mbps bandwidth speed tests report.

I figured I'd check in here first, though maybe when I contact Giganews they'll tell me how to use a server that will better serve my gigabit pipe.

Weirdest of all is about a third of my filesets aren't completing on Newsbin, but if I immediately load the same .nzb files into SABnzbd on my old Linux PC then they do complete! Sometimes they do also complete a few days later on Newsbin on my new PC.

I wonder if Giganews might be putting my fast PC w/Newsbin on a different server than it puts filesets on slower machines unable to handle moving gigabit speeds?

Or maybe it's my Newsbin settings (the old PC died so I had to recreate settings from memory). I'm using port 563 on both machines.

One setting that springs to mind is: should I change Max Retries to more than "2"?
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby Quade » Mon May 10, 2021 6:01 pm

You're 2, almost 3 betas behind. I'd upgrade and then try again.

Newsbin runs fine under Wine under Linux too. I was just doing some tests and getting > 700 Mbps on a relatively slow Linux box.

Modern NZB's, you need to either autoload them into the download list, manually drag and drop them into the download list or set Newsbin to add them to the downloaded list when you run them. That's the default in B9.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Mon May 10, 2021 7:18 pm

Quade wrote:You're 2, almost 3 betas behind. I'd upgrade and then try again.

Hi Quade, good to see you again! Thank you very much for your reply.

I just this week downloaded 6.90B7 Build 5317 from
Is there a better place that I've forgotten to go to to get betas?

I just noticed that I had forgotten to enter my Registration, but I'm guessing that didn't cause any of my issues.
Modern NZB's, you need to either autoload them into the download list, manually drag and drop them into the download list or set Newsbin to add them to the downloaded list when you run them. That's the default in B9.

I've always loved dragging NZB's into the download list as my sole method (honestly I never could figure out how to make the 'File|Load NZBs' method work or the screen it loaded into, but I don't mind I'm happy dragging).
Newsbin runs fine under Wine under Linux too. I was just doing some tests and getting > 700 Mbps on a relatively slow Linux box.

I am still hopeless on Linux, I tried but I haven't made time learn to get software that isn't in Mint's 'Software Manager' to work. And I probably never will, just too much to do on my endless to-do list.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby Quade » Mon May 10, 2021 10:56 pm


Here ya go. I'm real close to B10 but the changes are pretty minor so, B9 is a good choice.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Tue May 11, 2021 3:39 pm

Quade wrote:
Here ya go. I'm real close to B10 but the changes are pretty minor so, B9 is a good choice.

Wow good work, you were right, B9 was different!

In that Downloads begun and reached top speed almost immediately. Speed not any faster, but it'll be much simpler to contact Giganews about that.

But first:
I just did 30 test downloads, and 22 failed on Newsbin. Then I immediately tried those 22 on SABnzbd on my Linux machine and they all completed!
So that huge concern remains, and mystifies me. (Same servers and port 563, different result.)
(I've zipped the 22 NZB's if that would help. I just grabbed the 30 most recent SD TV shows on dognzb.)
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby Quade » Wed May 12, 2021 8:41 am

Email me some NZB's to TS at Newsbin dot com and I'll give them a try.

Giganews is the most aggressive at removing files but anything Sab can download Newsbin should be able to as well.

Edit: I wonder if the NZB's are for files that aren't on the server yet?
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Wed May 12, 2021 11:40 am

Quade wrote:Email me some NZB's to TS at Newsbin dot com and I'll give them a try.

Giganews is the most aggressive at removing files but anything Sab can download Newsbin should be able to as well.

Yes I figured.
Edit: I wonder if the NZB's are for files that aren't on the server yet?

That is why I mentioned that I ran the filesets through Sab immediately after I ran then through Newsbin.

Now it's the next day, I'll run them through Newsbin again. I've tried this before: most failed again the next day. (Edit: 18 of the 22 failed again today.)

In general of course I'm thinking that if a fileset is on the server for Sab it will also be there for Newsbin. Incidentally Tweaknews is my fill server; though I chose recent filesets to avoid takedowns as a factor.

I could also send settings printscreens.

Edit: Hmm. While the Sab filesets started completing within minutes of the Newsbin filesets failing...the Sab machine is a dozen times slower. It took 90 minutes on Sab to complete what took 7 minutes on Newsbin.

So I will now run the test the other way. That is, run a brand new set pf 30 NZBs through Sab (which will presumably all complete), and only then run them through Newsbin (on which 3/4 have been failing. Oh, and to do so I am now installing Sab on Windows (so it takes 7 minutes to run the Sab part of the test); right now I need to do that anyway so I have a usenet client that's working lol.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Wed May 12, 2021 1:01 pm

I've sent a new zip of 31 NZB files to Professor Quade.

I started with the 34 most recent TV NZBs on dognzb (within the hour). I immediately ran them through Sab; all completed in about 8 minutes. Then I ran the same 34 through Newsbin and 31 failed (only 3 completed) in about the same 8 minutes.

I am Newsbin's biggest fan, crossing my fingers.

I guess I could run the test with older NZBs, but takedowns would affect the results.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby Quade » Wed May 12, 2021 2:04 pm

Thanks for the NZB's.

I tossed the zip into the download list and they all downloaded and unrared. Constant 800 Mbps or so.

I don't think any of them required repair. Looking at the NZB's, none of them used passwords. What I'm thinking at this point is that the NZB's were so new, Giga was returning 430 errors. If my theory is correct, it you were to toss this zip into the download list right now, you'd get the same results I did. All the files listed in the NZB's are under 2 hours old which supports my theory.

I have to think about it.

--->Posted to EU server----> NZB Made---> You get NZB ---> Newsbin tries to download from Giga ---> Giga doesn't have all the files on it yet.

Is basically what I'm thinking is happening. My guess is Sab waits longer for the files to complete than Newsbin. Newsbin gives up earlier is what I mean.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Wed May 12, 2021 2:42 pm

Quade, I'm hoping you ran the NZBs in my second zip:
Code: Select all

Per your suggestion, I just ran them again through Newsbin (first pausing then Ctrl-Y to Bypass Filters of course). They all failed again. All 31.

Here is what my Failed Files tab looks like:
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby Quade » Wed May 12, 2021 3:07 pm

At this point I don't know. I'd check the logging tab for errors.

Is this a fresh install with fresh NBI? AutoPAR enabled?

The NZB's I D&D'd were the second set that you show listed here (though I'm going to remove the image). Filename 31NZB...

I'm going to do a completely fresh install under Linux and try it with a clean NBI.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Wed May 12, 2021 3:23 pm

Quade wrote:At this point I don't know. I'd check the logging tab for errors.

The logging tab is something I have little experience with. All it shows now is:
So I guess I need to watch and printscreen it while filesets process?
Is this a fresh install with fresh NBI? AutoPAR enabled?

Yes it's a fresh install. I did not start with an old NBI. Here's my AutoPAR settings:
The NZB's I D&D's were the second set that you show listed here (though I'm going to remove the image).

Thank you, sorry about that. I'll email such things if you need such a thing again.

As mentioned, Retries are the default 2 (Sab retries is set to 3).
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Wed May 12, 2021 3:41 pm

Speculation: In the past I had some issues because I was on an ancient AMD CPU. And now I'm on an AMD CPU that's the opposite of ancient (5950x).
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby Quade » Wed May 12, 2021 6:37 pm

Well, you're not getting multi-core repair because of the AMD. We might need to revisit that because new AMD is alot better than old AMD. The PAR DLL is only used for repair and none of these files seemed to need repair so, I don't believe the PAR dll would impact this.

You can exit Newsbin, go into the program files folder for Newsbin then rename the PAR dll to "bla.dll.old" then restart Newsbin and attempt the downloads again, this will completely remove the PAR dll from the equation.

It looks more like Newsbin is having problems talking to the news server. That's why I was thinking you could check the logging tab during download. You're not running Newsbin and Sab at the same time are you? I'm just wondering if maybe you're running out of connections because Sab is already using them.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Wed May 12, 2021 6:53 pm

Quade wrote:Well, you're not getting multi-core repair because of the AMD. We might need to revisit that because new AMD is alot better than old AMD. The PAR DLL is only used for repair and none of these files seemed to need repair so, I don't believe the PAR dll would impact this.

You can exit Newsbin, go into the program files folder for Newsbin then rename the PAR dll to "bla.dll.old" then restart Newsbin and attempt the downloads again, this will completely remove the PAR dll from the equation.

I'm assuming you're talking about
C:\Program Files\Newsbin\par2repair64.dll
so I will temporarily give it the extension .old
and re-run the 31 failed downloads.
[/quote]It looks more like Newsbin is having problems talking to the news server. That's why I was thinking you could check the logging tab during download. You're not running Newsbin and Sab at the same time are you? I'm just wondering if maybe you're running out of connections because Sab is already using them.[/quote]
No, I didn't even have Sab or any other Newsbin competitors installed until a couple hours ago. It's possible more than one has been open at once today; OTOH Giganews won't connect to more than one client per account at a time.

And I have from the start made sure Newsbin64 is allowed through the Windows Firewall.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Wed May 12, 2021 7:23 pm

Newsbin is AOK, it was me that was broken, sorry Quade!

The Logging showed the files weren't on Giganews, and I had entered my Tweaknews password incorrectly.

So I re-enabled par2repair64.dll and tried a fresh set of 25 NZB files and all completed in Newsbin. Presumably off my Tweaknewsblock account.

I'm so sorry, Quade, that I never think to look at Logging!

Incidentally, while I briefly disabled that par2repair64.dll, despite that, I kept an eye on the status field and noticed that one did briefly (maybe for ten seconds) show a Repair status % increasing.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby Quade » Wed May 12, 2021 10:22 pm

Haha. Love problems that solve themselves. The Logging tab would have shown this and the server tab will show failed connections. It's interesting that these files failed to download from Giga but worked on Usenetserver. 1/2 of the files in that ZIP never get DMCA'd so, there's no reason Giga doesn't have them. My advice to you is maybe switch to Usenetserver.

OTOH Giganews won't connect to more than one client per account at a time.

This isn't typically the case. Normally if you have multiple PC's or multiple clients on one PC, assuming you have a router that does NAT (which almost all do), Giga only see's one IP address and can't tell how many machines or clients you're using inside your network.

For example, assuming Giga has a 50 connection limit, you could divide the connections between machines and client as long as the total connections don't exceed the limit. So 10 for Sab, 20 for Newsbin and the other 20 could be used as a buffer or spread out between Newsbin and Sab .

Where you run into problems is if you tried to use the same account on 2 different networks so Giga see's 2 different IP's.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Wed May 12, 2021 10:50 pm

Quade wrote:Haha. Love problems that solve themselves. The Logging tab would have shown this and the server tab will show failed connections. It's interesting that these files failed to download from Giga but worked on Usenetserver. 1/2 of the files in that ZIP never get DMCA'd so, there's no reason Giga doesn't have them. My advice to you is maybe switch to Usenetserver.

Thank you very much for the advice, I will look at switching. Giganews sure looked terrible in my test. I can't figure out why, I never had a problem like this with Giganews before.

I feel bad that I didn't look carefully enough at my setup. I guess having found a real issue long long ago led me to think I'd found another.
OTOH Giganews won't connect to more than one client per account at a time.

This isn't typically the case. Normally if you have multiple PC's or multiple clients on one PC, assuming you have a router that does NAT (which almost all do), Giga only see's one IP address and can't tell how many machines or clients you're using inside your network.

For example, assuming Giga has a 50 connection limit, you could divide the connections between machines and client as long as the total connections don't exceed the limit. So 10 for Sab, 20 for Newsbin and the other 20 could be used as a buffer or spread out between Newsbin and Sab .

Where you run into problems is if you tried to use the same account on 2 different networks so Giga see's 2 different IP's.

Cool, I only knew I got rejected with two clients; maybe I just exceeded my Giganews connections. If I ever do want to run two clients, thanks for the clue about spreading connections for each server!
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby Quade » Thu May 13, 2021 12:26 am

I get 800 Mbps to Usenetserver with 10 connections. The fewer connections you use that maximize download speed, the better things work.
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Re: back on Newsbin on new PC with issues

Postby coyote2 » Thu May 13, 2021 11:09 am

Quade wrote:I get 800 Mbps to Usenetserver with 10 connections. The fewer connections you use that maximize download speed, the better things work.

I had no idea that fewer connections to get all one's speed was beneficial, thank you very much for that!
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