How to load the .nzb loaded into the 'Groups'-panel

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How to load the .nzb loaded into the 'Groups'-panel

Postby nbwul62 » Tue Mar 15, 2022 2:32 am

Is there a way to have the .nzb loaded into the groups panel?
(The top panel)
With the new release double clicking a nzb will loaded in the downloaded files panel and they are started immediately.
In most cases that is okay, but I prefer to have the loaded at the top and -not- started automatically.
If that is not possible anymore, well, so be it.
Vainly searched for a some sort of setting.

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Re: How to load the .nzb loaded into the 'Groups'-panel

Postby Quade » Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:54 am

You can load it with the file menu or I believe the first button on the toolbar.

The problem is modern obscured NZB's really need to be loaded directly to the download list to work properly so that's the default now.
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Re: How to load the .nzb loaded into the 'Groups'-panel

Postby nbwul62 » Tue Mar 15, 2022 11:00 am

Okay, many thanks.
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Re: How to load the .nzb loaded into the 'Groups'-panel

Postby Alienns » Sun Jul 17, 2022 8:27 pm

Is it possible to make at least Delete work as in old 5.xx group view? When i press delete on some file, whole list is deleted. It is so confusing. And one more problem, I have slow internet and when i load NZB this "new way" PAR2 are paused, that`s very good but at end they downloaded anyway so what`s the point, just wasting time and disk space.
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Re: How to load the .nzb loaded into the 'Groups'-panel

Postby Quade » Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:35 pm

If you're using NZB's and you want Newsbin to manage the PARS. Autopar has to be turned on and you need to feed the NZB directly to the download list.

Can I guess that the files aren't grouped with the PARS?

As for delete, it's not changed. I wonder if you have "hide old" enabled which will make the "deleted" (marked old) posts vanish?
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Re: How to load the .nzb loaded into the 'Groups'-panel

Postby Alienns » Mon Jul 18, 2022 1:36 pm

Par`s are always there, if i select files from group or double click on nzb they are there together with files in download list.
I turned on Auto Par and now works and pars stay in dl list paused. But still, check box in settings: Pause PAR`s and only download the ones needed for Repair does have no point if Auto Par is Turned off. It should be added (only works when auto par turned on) or greyed.

And maybe add in settings when double clicked NZB load in group (post) list so we can chose what to DL without that + sign. Pausing or deleting (not possible) down in download list is confusing and frustrating. In V4 and V5 that works perfect fer decade.
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