Download queue not saving order

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Download queue not saving order

Postby bj » Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:32 am


I have a ton of things in the download queue, and things download normally.

If I move some downloads to the top of the list (usually paused and then unpaused at the top) they start downloading as you would expect.

If I then quit Newsbin, next time I go in the moved downloads are back in their original position in the list (i.e. not at the top where I left them!).

I am guessing something screwy in downloads.db3, but how can I retain everything in the list and "repair" that file, if that's what is actually causing it to behave like this. It's almost like it just doesn't save the order on exit - is there a way to force it or export it maybe?

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Re: Download queue not saving order

Postby Quade » Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:32 am

What version are you using?

How much do you have in the download list?

Current versions use "Downloads_V2.db3".

The way order works is Newsbin sets the order in the DB when you exit so, I'm wondering if you have a huge number of items in the download list so it's not finishing setting the order before you exit.
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Re: Download queue not saving order

Postby bj » Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:23 pm

6.90RC6 Build: 5504

1852 items, mostly multi-part, so quite possibly that as sometimes it does save the order, though sometimes it might be running a few minutes with the new order before I exit.

DownloadsV2.db3 is 428MB.
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Re: Download queue not saving order

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:05 pm

I'd upgrade to the release.

1800 files isn't really that many. Some people might have 50,000 or more.

I'd suggest when you finish downloading these files, delete the Downloads_V2 file to clear the deck.
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