What happened to my nbi file or wherever the info should be?

I am running my registered copy of Newsbinpro v6.90 build 5524 -- yes I know that's not the newest, but it has been running without any problems until just now. Particularly it ran fine the last time I used it, about 2 days ago.
Tonight when I tried to start newsbin it popped up a screen I had never seen before saying that it didn't have any news server.
It also popped up another window that (that I have seen before) telling me that another copy of newsbin was already running. This has happened before if I am clumsy about double clicking the icon, I have always just closed that one and let the first one start. (This old Windows 7 box is slow enough that it takes a few seconds for newsbin to actually start).
This time I closed both the error messages, waited a few seconds then started newsbin. (I am now afraid that this may have resulted in a problem that can't be fixed because apparently each time newsbin tried to start it overwrote the .bak and .old copies of the nbi file)
With newsbin up I found that it has apparently lost the news server configuration and all the groups. It still remembers all the other settings, but everything about the news server and groups appears to be gone.
I've been using newsbin for years but I've never had any need (or reason) to poke around inside the files so I don't really know where the missing data ought to be. I looked at the nbi and nbi.bak files. They appear to be identical and I see the other settings but I don't see any place for the server and groups. I can't tell if those settings are stored elsewhere or if the server and groups settings just disappeared somehow.
I can rebuild all the server and group data from scratch if I have to, but I was hoping there might be some other way. Also any ideas about what went wrong and how to keep it from happening again would be appreciated.
Tonight when I tried to start newsbin it popped up a screen I had never seen before saying that it didn't have any news server.
It also popped up another window that (that I have seen before) telling me that another copy of newsbin was already running. This has happened before if I am clumsy about double clicking the icon, I have always just closed that one and let the first one start. (This old Windows 7 box is slow enough that it takes a few seconds for newsbin to actually start).
This time I closed both the error messages, waited a few seconds then started newsbin. (I am now afraid that this may have resulted in a problem that can't be fixed because apparently each time newsbin tried to start it overwrote the .bak and .old copies of the nbi file)
With newsbin up I found that it has apparently lost the news server configuration and all the groups. It still remembers all the other settings, but everything about the news server and groups appears to be gone.
I've been using newsbin for years but I've never had any need (or reason) to poke around inside the files so I don't really know where the missing data ought to be. I looked at the nbi and nbi.bak files. They appear to be identical and I see the other settings but I don't see any place for the server and groups. I can't tell if those settings are stored elsewhere or if the server and groups settings just disappeared somehow.
I can rebuild all the server and group data from scratch if I have to, but I was hoping there might be some other way. Also any ideas about what went wrong and how to keep it from happening again would be appreciated.