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Large 4K movies downloading oddly

Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:25 am
by tkrotchko
Downloading a 75GB file (in fact, anything bigger than about 45GB) and in the download queue will show something like Downloading 75GB/45.85GB (?), and it actually does download 75GB, but the file is 45.85GB in the file system.
The file plays fine in the sense that it has the right length, but if you remux this file or do anything where you read it and re-write it, the new file remains at 45.85GB, but when you play it, the actual running time of the file goes from 2 hours to 1 hour, and it get cut off
Has anyone else seen this behavior?
Re: Large 4K movies downloading oddly

Sun Dec 24, 2023 12:06 am
by tkrotchko
Here's a little bit of the issue that I think I'm seeing......
a file that's 51GB is being shown as 51.44GB/48.51GB[65536] which I think that last number represents the # of blocks, which is capped out as a short integer (2^16). I think that's the bug I'm seeing. That should be a 32 bit integer.
Re: Large 4K movies downloading oddly

Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:20 am
by Quade
Is it a single MKV file made of many chunks or a large file made of a bunch of RAR files?
I get what you're saying, that the math for reporting the size is incorrect.
Thanks. I'll check it out.
Re: Large 4K movies downloading oddly

Mon Dec 25, 2023 7:05 pm
by tkrotchko
I confirmed using SABnzb that Newsbin is broken; it downloads the entire file file correctly. I think the problem is that it's one big file in many cases, and that just screws things up.
Re: Large 4K movies downloading oddly

Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:55 pm
by Quade
I get it now. It wasn't clear to me from the first post.
So you think there's a hard cap on number of chunks per file. You're probably right but it's just an arbitrary limit I put in there because some spammers were using fake counters to cause issue.
So I need to relax the limit to something larger than 65K.
What version is this?
I don't want to leave it on capped. I wonder what a practical upper limit is?
I'm surprised it didn't fail. Were there no PAR files?
Re: Large 4K movies downloading oddly

Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:01 pm
by Quade
Any chance you can send one of these NZB's to "
[email protected]"?
I've made changes but I want to see what a real NZB like this looks like inside to make sure the changes are correct. I'm just guessing without being able to see the real thing.