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groups not showing and headers info

Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:09 am
by buggs1a
Ok, so how do you get to see your groups you've subscribed to? It shows unsorted with a number, but I can't seem to find a way to have the groups list so i can see them.
I don't know how to view the groups list to finds groups to select to subscribe to. I did find it, but I forget how each time I wanna look unless I just stumble upon it.
And when double clicking on a group to sub to nothing seems to happen. There's like no right click subscribe option or anything.
And the headers download options are so confusing to me. I want to download x many days the first time I load a group i guess then x many older days and so on. Can you? Like say 2 weeks at a time each time I update. Like the most recent 2 weeks, then 2 weeks before that, then 2 weeks before that etc, or however many days I chose.
Re: groups not showing and headers info

Sun Feb 04, 2024 6:57 pm
by Quade
Options menu "Add Groups" from the main menu.
When you add a group it goes to "unsorted".
You can make new folders in the groups list and move groups from "Unsorted to these folders.
1 - In the options set "Download Age" to control how many days it downloads the first time you download headers from the group.
2 - You can right click an existing group and select "Post Storage/Use Download Age" to make it reset and download "Download Age" worth of headers again. This doesn't delete your headers, it just adds any new headers into the header lists.
You can't easily walk the header downloads backwards the way you want. You can increase the download age and reset but it'll always download from "Download Age" to today's headers. The repeated headers from subsequent downloads are just ignored.
You're better off picking some "Download Age" that covers the range you want and then just let them download.
Re: groups not showing and headers info

Mon Feb 05, 2024 7:03 am
by buggs1a
Thanks Quade very much for helping.
When I double click to add groups to list nothing happened. Unsorted had a number 7 near it from what I subscribed to i guess. But I could not see the groups. Clicking on unsorted loaded headers for I am guessing all groups or something. It opened up a list of headers anyway. But still I could not see the groups individually by themselves. I closed newsbin and re opened it and then under unsorted they showed up by themselves. Only after closing and opening it again did this work. Sol I wonder if it's a bug or something.
For download amount of headers I'd love to be able to just say how many days at a time. Download the first batch of headers which I guess would be the most x recent. Then say download the last few weeks at a time. But there's download special which seems to do the same thing except by amount of headers not days. And there's download all headers too I guess.
Re: groups not showing and headers info

Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:07 am
by mimauk
Go to the "Groups List" Tab and you should see a list of Groups with '+' icons next to them. Click on the '+' next to the Unsorted and it should open an expanded list of the groups you have subscribed to. You can right click any of these groups and get a pop up list of options including updating the group.
If you right click on an empty space in the Groups List tab, among the options is 'Make a New Folder' which you can name. eg. I have a TV folder, an mp3 Folder, a Books folder etc. You can drag a group from the Unsorted List to your new folder by clicking on the Icon for that group and dragging it to your new folder - you can only drag it using the Icon.
Re: groups not showing and headers info

Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:50 am
by buggs1a
Hi and thanks a lot.
There is no plus icon.
there's pluses, but theyre too small. i can't even see them, but clicked on one and it worked.
Please Quade update the UI like you said you would for high res screens many years ago.
Re: groups not showing and headers info

Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:03 am
by mimauk
If you press the 'Control' key and keep hitting the 'Plus' key the fonts and icons should get bigger. Conversely 'ctrl' and 'minus' key makes everything smaller
Re: groups not showing and headers info

Mon Feb 05, 2024 12:10 pm
by buggs1a
I'll try. Thanks.
wasn't being rude, just be nice if the UI was updated is all.
Re: groups not showing and headers info

Mon Feb 05, 2024 1:11 pm
by mimauk
You can alter the UI to suit yourself by dragging panes and tabs around - just remember that the panes are all anchored to the search pane/tab. I prefer the old fashioned look and have one large pane with all the others as Tabs along the top of the pane. Have a look on youtube and see if there's a video showing you how to alter everything.