pars getting sent to download list

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pars getting sent to download list

Postby malhusky » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:09 pm

From my post to an earlier beta release. I see this issue hasn't been addressed. The pars still get sent to the download list. I am not using Autopar. You can follow the earlier thread.

Postby malhusky ยป Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:14 pm

I expanded a post containing multiple files (rars + pars). I selected only the the first file (.rar) to download. After downloading I then went back and selected the header for all of the files underneath it. All of the pars went into the download list with the remaining files but the file I had previously downloaded went into the wish list.

In this latest test it was was done with a CTL-Y to download. This is the 6.71B4 release.
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