doesn't autopar anymore.

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doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby amraa » Wed May 11, 2016 3:51 am

This is new: a post has some missing parts, and just sits there. I have to manually "assemble incompletes", and then it will recognize that actually it has enough to work with, and proceeds to PAR and unrar.
Tried turning on "aggresive assembly" . nothing.

update: this happens even if the only missing part is in the PAR files (why download them at all?)

6.7 4600, Win7 64

autopar options dialog settings, top to buttom:
off, off, on, on (grayed), on, off, on, off, on, off
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby DeadSerious » Thu May 26, 2016 5:01 am

I've noticed the same thing. And then, recently, when it does unrar, it often leaves a handful of the RAR files behind, even though the option is set to delete them. The first behavior has been happening for a while. This new one seems to have been happening since the last version's (6.70?) later betas.

Not sure if it makes any difference, but I'm usually using "download to an existing directory."
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby Quade » Thu May 26, 2016 7:46 am

Might be worth trying the new beta. You can then enable "Aggressive Assembly" mode in the autopar options. Then Newsbin becomes "one and done". It'll download all it can and then when the retries expire (it defaults to 2 retries). It assembles and attempt to repair bypassing all the "file quality" checks.

The higher the retries, the longer it'll wait so, I'd recommend relatively few retries. Higher retry counts are mostly for people with shitty setups meaning they have connectivity errors which also damage the files.

I've been running elusively "aggressive mode" lately.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby DeadSerious » Thu May 26, 2016 1:52 pm

I am using the newest beta, but I'll try "aggressive mode." :)
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby DeadSerious » Tue May 31, 2016 10:26 pm

Just upgraded to the new newest beta, and d/l ed four files. No problems with the pausing in the autopar this time, but still getting leftover files after unraring. In two of the cases, the files were deleted properly, but in the other two, about a dozen .rar files were left behind after unraring (out of about 40). There doesn't seem to be any pattern with the numbers of the ones left behind, either.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby Quade » Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:50 am

Might want to tell your security software to ignore the download folder and see if this goes away.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby DeadSerious » Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:50 am

Hmm..I'm not sure that would be the best idea. I'm not always so certain of the safety of the stuff getting downloaded into that folder. Leaving it unprotected might result in issues beyond just the inconvenience of having to go in and delete all the remnants. It seems odd, though, that only certain files would remain while others would be deleted, no? If it was a security issue, wouldn't it be an "all or nothing" sort of thing? And I've been using the program for years and this has never been an issue until maybe a couple of months ago. BTW, it does keep happening, and more often than not, it seems. Almost all of the downloads from yesterday left behind anywhere from 6 to 12 .r## files. If I have to go in and manually delete the remainders, then I have to. But I figured you'd want to know about it.

I think I mentioned this before, but I do most of the downloads using "download into existing folder," and then use different folders depending on the category. Might that have something to do with it? Come to think of it, that's been a relatively new thing I've been doing. My "normal" download drive was starting to fill up, so I started using that new method and sending them to a different drive.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby amraa » Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:11 am

6.71b2 returns this problem. Worse, the file is thrown to the Failed files. it has 2 missing pieces, but all the PARs are intact, still if fails it. I CTRL-Y the download, and it re-downloads. I have to babysit and watch when it reaches almost the end of PAR downloads to pause it, force "assemble incompletes", and it will auto par and unrar.
It doesn't even recognize that it has all that is needed, :shock: it simply fails the download on "max retries exceeded"! :shock:

Seriously, I'm giving up on newsbin. I don't know what is going on there, I'm sure you are using version control and regression testing, but things only get worse on the main functionality, which used to work and why I was happy, for a long time, with it.

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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby Quade » Fri Jun 17, 2016 6:56 am

I'd suggest a re-install and then leave the autopar options alone and see what happens. I haven't had an unrar failure or repair failure in I don't know how long and I download every day. The reason I suggest a re-install is that there are a bunch of options and I think going back to the baseline settings are probably best.

Do you have aggressive assembly enabled right now?

How often is this happening?

How many news servers are you using?

What's odd is that it ends up in the failed list because files with PARS almost never get sent there.

You asked about regression tests. For me the 6.70 versions have been the most reliable for autopar. Auto-assembly when retries expire is the most aggressive and par downloads happen not only when all the files are complete but damaged but also when each retry expires. I'm not doubting you experience. I'm just puzzled as to why it's happening.

I realized after the fact that my comments apply to B3 and not B2.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby amraa » Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:42 am

Reinstall might be a good idea. Does the uninstaller clean Everything completely, or is there something left to be removed?
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby Quade » Sun Jun 19, 2016 7:51 am

You can select whether it wipes everything or not when you uninstall.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby DeadSerious » Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:40 am

For what it's worth, I'm still having major issues with this. I'm using 6.71B2, and DO have aggressive assembly mode checked. Still, I'm getting anywhere from a couple to two dozen leftover RAR files in the directory, and that's for every. single. download. So I'm having to go in and manually delete hundreds of files a day sometimes. It's getting to the point where I'm wondering if I'd be better off rolling back to a previous version, where I didn't have this issue. What would be the earliest version I could go back to without major issues? I honestly don't remember which version it was that this started happening. Just one day, I updated, and then started noticing a lot of leftovers. I'm actually surprised that more people aren't seeing problems with this, since I hadn't changed anything from one version to the next.

Also, when you say you can select whether it wipes everything or not when you uninstall, what will it leave if you choose not to wipe everything. I'm really hesitant to have to start over, set my directories, download the hundreds of groups again, and headers, etc.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:19 am


You need to update to RC2. It's almost released. I'm not saying it's going to help you for sure but we can't really trouble-shoot if we're not on the same version.

. Still, I'm getting anywhere from a couple to two dozen leftover RAR files in the directory, and that's for every. single. download. So I'm having to go in and manually delete hundreds of files a day sometimes.

So Autopar is working but your main problem is straggler RARS left over? I

If you chose not to wipe, it leaves everything in place. If you're really worried, you could install on a different machine then copy the "program files" folder containing the updated Newsbin back onto the main PC. Overwriting the old version. Newsbin barely needs an installer and can be copied from machine to machine with some manual jerking with the data files.

Did you ever tell your V scanner to leave the download folder alone? As long as you don't run a virus, it's not going to infect you. Just downloading them doesn't infect. I think something is preventing the delete. Newsbin doesn't try that hard to delete. If something prevents the delete Newsbin just continues downloading other things.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby DeadSerious » Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:28 pm

Sorry, must have missed the pop-up (motd) for the update. I just updated and tried a couple of downloads. Both went through and UNRARed without leaving any stragglers, so maybe it's fixed? I'll be able to try some more later on tonight, but that's definitely a good sign.

What kind of things might interfere with the delete? Is it possible that if I'm d/ling at the same time I'm UNRARing, and they're both using the same drive, that it could be timing out or something if the drive is working hard? It just seems so odd that it deletes some, but leaves others. Anyway, hopefully the update makes it a moot point. :) I didn't change any settings
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:16 pm

What kind of things might interfere with the delete? Is it possible that if I'm d/ling at the same time I'm UNRARing, and they're both using the same drive, that it could be timing out or something if the drive is working hard? It just seems so odd that it deletes some, but leaves others. Anyway, hopefully the update makes it a moot point. :) I didn't change any settings

Your security software. At some point it opens and scans these files. If Newsbin tries to delete at the same time, the delete won't happen.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby DeadSerious » Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:40 am

Two things: first, I forgot to answer your question about whether autopar is working. Yes, and no. I often get files that finish downloading and then sit there (even though they're complete) until they run out of retries and get sent to the failed files tab. I then have to keep trying them again (I use download-bypass filters) and usually about the third or fourth time they will finish and unRAR, although I had one today that I had to rerun five times. All the files seem to be there; they just don't do anything once they've loaded. Other times, I'll have to close the program and then when I restart--zip! All the ones that were stalled in the download list go right through. And then tonight, I watched two files back to back go through the download, repair (allegedly, anyway), and then go into an unRAR loop, where it would get to about 97 or 98% and then start all over again. I went in on both of them and manually opened Quickpar and noticed that there was one file that hadn't been repaired, even though NB went through the repair process. I used Quickpar to fix that file, then the autopar in NB took over and finished. The exact same thing happened in both instances--repair process, one file left unrepaired, autopar loop, manually fixed file, autopar works.

The second thing is that I went through ten or so files tonight of the same type/group that I was having the undeleted files problem with. Not a one of them had a single file left over, so it seems whatever was causing it was fixed in the RC update. I was thinking the issue above and this one were related, but now that doesn't seem to be the case. I really don't think this one was caused by the security software, though. I've had the same security software for a couple of years, now, and been using NB for longer than I remember, and never had this issue until recently. However, if it starts happening again, I'll try temporarily disabling it first to see if that makes a difference.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby Quade » Fri Jul 15, 2016 7:54 am

Two things: first, I forgot to answer your question about whether autopar is working. Yes, and no. I often get files that finish downloading and then sit there (even though they're complete) until they run out of retries and get sent to the failed files tab.

Using RC2, I'd suggest setting "Aggressive Mode" in the autopar options. In your case it sounds like Newsbin doesn't think it has enough of the file to repair. Aggressive mode bypasses that calculation and when the retries expire (the default and recommended is 2), it will assemble and attempt repair.

The second thing is that I went through ten or so files tonight of the same type/group that I was having the undeleted files problem with.

Good to know. It's important to keep up when you're running betas. They tend to get superseded regularly. I only trouble-shoot and fix the latest beta/rc.
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Re: doesn't autopar anymore.

Postby DeadSerious » Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:02 am

Actually, I thought I mentioned it in one of the earlier posts, but I did have it set in "aggressive mode." It was one of the first things I did after updating.

No more undeleted files, though! :)
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