Auto-Rename / Files already on Disk ??

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Auto-Rename / Files already on Disk ??

Postby ppan » Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:10 pm

1. I have two files on disk file1 & file2 (not downloaded with newsbin*)
2. I download 4 files; file1 - file4
3. All 4 files are marked as downloaded, but the file list only shows file3 & File4
4. The is only 1 copy of file1 & file2 in the download folder.

I am surprised that file1 & file2 were not downloaded again and renamed per the Auto-Rename Setting (Copy (x) of xxx..) ?

*) Actually downloaded with Newsbin, but using an old data folder so no traces of file1 & file2 in the current data folder (e.g. not in duplicate database etc)
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Re: Auto-Rename / Files already on Disk ??

Postby Quade » Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:40 pm

Yeah, Newsbin won't re-download a file that's already on disk and who's first entire chunk matches the just downloaded chunk. I think it checks the full file size too but I'd have to verify.

It's like a more reliable version of the duplicate checker. If the files are single parters then they're getting checked 100%.
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