6.73 beta 1 is doing weird stuff

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6.73 beta 1 is doing weird stuff

Postby feinbergfl » Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:14 pm

I don't know how to describe this but it has now repeated twice. The program has moved a number of files off my computer desktop and into other subdirectories. It moved shortcuts and other files off my desktop and into a "loaded" subdirectory and I could see all of this happening very quickly in the logging screen. Very strange. Once I discovered what happened, I restored everything to the proper place. I opened the application again and all of those files went flying again. I'm rolling back to 6.72 production for a while.
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Re: 6.73 beta 1 is doing weird stuff

Postby itimpi » Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:12 am

That behaviour sounds rather as if Newsbin thinks your Desktop is what is currently set as the location for NZB files.
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Re: 6.73 beta 1 is doing weird stuff

Postby feinbergfl » Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:35 am

That sounds about right so now the question is why that didn't happen with the previous install since I retained the settings from 6.72 production and what setting do I change if I want to re-install the beta?
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Re: 6.73 beta 1 is doing weird stuff

Postby dexter » Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:39 am

There was a change where Newsbin will move all files out of the NZB Autoload folder so it wouldn't have to keep scanning them. It was becoming a problem for people who had 1000's of non-NZB files in their designated autoload folder so things were slowing down. I do not recommend setting your desktop as an autoload folder for Newsbin. If you want to drag files onto your desktop, I'd create an "NZBs" folder on your desktop and then drag your NZB files into that folder for Newsbin to process.
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