Version 6.73 Beta 2

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Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby dexter » Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:15 pm

Few more fixes for Beta 2


  • Fxed issue where you couldn't unselect the filter profile in a watch profile dialog.
  • Changed AutoPAR functionality to automatically move all PAR files to the top of any sets of files you add to the download list.
  • Implemented support for double-clicking to launch ZIP'd or RAR'd NZB files.
  • Made change to use the actual NZB Filename inside a ZIP'd or RAR'd NZB File instead of the ZIP/RAR filename for the $(NZBFILE) path variable.
  • Fixed issue if Newsbin comes up with no data path defined, it will switch to a default that will be used throughout.
  • Made a change when generating NZB files, now offers to use the filename from the first match as the name.
  • Fixed issue loading large NZB files introduced in B1

The download link is on the Newsbin Beta Page. If you find any issues, please reply to this thread or use our Technical Support Contact Form.
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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby kirm » Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:29 pm

Just started with strange behavior with v6.73 beta 2. My cache after updating groups, would sit at 200/200 (0) then climb up to about 200/200 (8) and then just remain there. After waiting it out for 5 or so minutes, closed newsbin, and it would take about 30 seconds to close.

Went back to beta 1, got exact same behavior, which never occurred previously. I have newsbin set to automatically dl headers when first opened. Again took about 30 seconds to close after all group header dl. Cache showing as in beta 2 again.

Installed v672.4776 and all worked as it should. Cache 200/200 (0).Surprisingly though after all these runs, when I went back to this version, one of my groups had like 38,000 headers show up instantly, but failed to show in the beta versions. This was all in about 10 minutes that I tried the 3 different versions. For some reason the headers were just stuck and never showed up till I ran the release version.

Hope I explained this properly Quade.

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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby JayPea » Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:39 am


Just tried the latest beta and it looks like a recent change has broken the Read Post Body function. On 6.73B2 when I queue up a bunch of files and then try this function then none of the usual items (.nfo etc) are pulled out and displayed. They all sit in the download list and appear as if they have broken parts on the server, however, if I revert back to 6.72 then the exact same operation on the same posts works correctly and .nfo files are displayed. If you need some specifics then I can PM you the details if you need.

Reverting back to 6.72 for now but thought you'd want to know about the issue.

Cheers, guys.
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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby BZee » Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:57 am

JayPea wrote:Dex/Quade,

Just tried the latest beta and it looks like a recent change has broken the Read Post Body function. On 6.73B2 when I queue up a bunch of files and then try this function then none of the usual items (.nfo etc) are pulled out and displayed. They all sit in the download list and appear as if they have broken parts on the server, however, if I revert back to 6.72 then the exact same operation on the same posts works correctly and .nfo files are displayed. If you need some specifics then I can PM you the details if you need.

Reverting back to 6.72 for now but thought you'd want to know about the issue.

Cheers, guys.

Ctrl-r on a single file in the post list does work - never used it on multiple files at once
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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby Quade » Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:46 am

Reverting back to 6.72 for now but thought you'd want to know about the issue.

Thanks for the report. I'll try it out.
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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby JayPea » Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:54 am

BZee wrote:Ctrl-r on a single file in the post list does work - never used it on multiple files at once

Conversely, I rarely use it on a single file. I'm forever looklng at the "you're trying to open more than 40 files" notification. Hopefully, Quade will consider my suggestion to tick box it with a 'I understand' which will suppress it permanently, but that's a conversation to be had in the Suggestions forum :D
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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby Quade » Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:50 am

What's a good number? I'm not opposed to the idea but it might be easier to just increase it.
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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby JayPea » Sat Nov 05, 2016 4:48 am

Quade wrote:What's a good number? I'm not opposed to the idea but it might be easier to just increase it.

Hmm. I don't know. Can you get a 3 figure value in there? If so, maybe 100? If you think that's too much then double what it is now, so perhaps 80? The reason I use it so much is that it's a great feature for pulling out the details on posts that have encrypted filenames. There's a certain group that contains the newest content of all descriptions (minus the pron) on a daily basis so depending on what's been pre'd this can be a fluctuating number of files I'm curious about - I've seen upwards of 250 posts in a single 24h period. Perhaps the actual problem is my unhealthy compulsion to hoard but my QNAP isn't going to fill itself! :D

Thanks for the consideration. It's very much appreciated.
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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby Quade » Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:11 pm

I can make it anything we want.

The issue is that if you accidentally select all and Ctrl-R. There's no stopping it except to restart Newsbin so I wanted to warn if they seemed to do too many.
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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby JayPea » Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:36 am

Quade wrote:I can make it anything we want.

The issue is that if you accidentally select all and Ctrl-R. There's no stopping it except to restart Newsbin so I wanted to warn if they seemed to do too many.

Then 100 sounds like a decent amount, imo. This should take care of the worst case scenario you've mentioned whilst still allowing the bottom trawlers of Usenet, such as myself, to not hit the warning so often. Part of the fun for our kind is not knowing what you're going to find & want or whether to discard it so increasing this figure, which to most people is fairly insignificant, is a sweet QOL change for the more obsessive/compulsive users out there, ie me! (Yes, I realise how selfish & entitled that sounds. Apologies).

As always, thanks very much for your continued support of what is easily the best newsreader on the planet.
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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby kirm » Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:20 am

Just started with strange behavior with v6.73 beta 2. My cache after updating groups, would sit at 200/200 (0) then climb up to about 200/200 (8) and then just remain there. After waiting it out for 5 or so minutes, closed newsbin, and it would take about 30 seconds to close.

Just wanted to report no issue with beta 3. Working as it should.
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Re: Version 6.73 Beta 2

Postby Quade » Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:10 am

Thanks for the feedback.
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