Unlimited search doesn't apply to watch lists?

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Unlimited search doesn't apply to watch lists?

Postby DeadSerious » Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:42 pm

I may be confused, but I thought subscribing to the unlimited searches would also give unlimited watch list searches, too. However, I've got 67 watch lists, and the last seven are not updating. I'm not sure how long that's been happening, since for some reason those seven went back to "never" under last update date. I thought they were all working at one time, but can't be sure. And it's very possible that it started when I updated to 6.80B4, although again...can't be sure.

I see this message in the log:
[06/13 15:21:31] HIGH Periodic Search: Exceeded current maxumum periodic searches: 60

Is this a bug, or am I just misunderstanding the benefits of the unlimited search?
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Re: Unlimited search doesn't apply to watch lists?

Postby Quade » Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:02 pm

Unlimited search means you'll never run out of searches during the course of the month. On the other hand we cap the total number of watch lists at a large but we think reasonable number.

The error you're getting has nothing to do with the total number of searches you're making but is a limit on the total number of watch list items. So, it's got nothing to do with account type.

You might want to contact us using the support form on the main website to discuss what's happening here. We want you to use it but we have to protect the server from being beat up. We're not against adjusting things if it seem necessary and doesn't hurt the server.
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Re: Unlimited search doesn't apply to watch lists?

Postby DeadSerious » Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:14 am

Gotcha. I had just added some based on the other post I had about combining related search terms under one watch list (e.g. "Faulkner" and "Steinbeck" under an "Authors" watch list). That's probably what put me over. I'll just figure out a way to pare them down. Maybe deactivate some. Some I check daily and some only weekly. Thanks for the quick response!
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