Using 6.80B8, question about searching folder w/many groups

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Using 6.80B8, question about searching folder w/many groups

Postby slee » Fri Sep 22, 2017 3:19 pm

I may be saying this wrong, but here's what I've got. I've created a folder with 31 different news groups. If I do a search on that folder for something I know to be in one of those 31 news groups, the item is not found. If I search just the one news group, it's found. These searches are all being done on the local database. It seems to me, that not all of the 31 news groups are being searched. Is there a maximum number of news groups that can be searched in a folder like this? What am I doing wrong? I tried to search the help system. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Using 6.80B8, question about searching folder w/many gro

Postby Quade » Fri Sep 22, 2017 5:26 pm

I'm testing B9, which should be up today. I'm watching it hit all groups and returning the same results whether I load the group or search the group.

How about trying it with B9 when it comes out this evening.
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Re: Using 6.80B8, question about searching folder w/many gro

Postby kirm » Fri Sep 22, 2017 6:23 pm

I'm testing B9

Hope this one clears up the issue I had with B8 and sticking gz files. Appears I was the only one that reported that.
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Re: Using 6.80B8, question about searching folder w/many gro

Postby Quade » Fri Sep 22, 2017 10:16 pm

Hope this one clears up the issue I had with B8 and sticking gz files. Appears I was the only one that reported that.

I've run 6-8,000 GZ files through it. Totally rebuilt my groups in the past couple days. Not a hanging GZ to be found. I suspect the files are damaged. We'll see if this helps you or not.
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