Is filtering not working in B11, or have I set it up wrong?

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Is filtering not working in B11, or have I set it up wrong?

Postby jackholexxxx » Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:45 am

If I have a filter with both "subject contains" and "poster contains" entries, all results are filtered out. No matching results are shown.
If I only have one or the other in the filter, the matches are shown.

Can I not have both "subject contains" and "poster contains" in the filter?

All filters are "ACCEPT IF".
I am running the filter on search results, but will eventually move them over to header filtering.

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Re: Is filtering not working in B11, or have I set it up wro

Postby Quade » Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:15 am

Remember poster in this case means "AND" so it's "Match Subject AND Match Poster" This is different then when you just add more subject filters. Subject Filters are OR between them. "Match Filter 1 or Filter 2 or ...."

The intent is to allow you to match only files from specific posters, then filter these down to just the subjects you want.
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Re: Is filtering not working in B11, or have I set it up wro

Postby jackholexxxx » Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:20 am

Is there a way to accomplish what I want? With the turmoil with the TV groups I need a new strategy. I want to be able to filter in certain subjects and certain posters independently.
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Re: Is filtering not working in B11, or have I set it up wro

Postby Quade » Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:06 am

You could make two different watch lists, one filtering IN on subject and the other filtering IN on Poster. You could then load the two together into a single post listing.
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