Unrar & Par Slow

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Unrar & Par Slow

Postby Andy_Carr » Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:11 pm

Since upgrading my connection to 250 Mbps I'm finding the par and unrar are really slow on RC5. I'm also finding my downloading files box is not updating correctly. Twice today I've had to shut Newsbin down and unrar manually. My mewmory usage is only a third so I can't understand what is going on. Might downgrade if I can to the last RC.
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Re: Unrar & Par Slow

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:01 pm

RAR and PAR speed haven't changed. If anything they're faster now than ever. You're just downloading faster now so, the unrars and repairs stack up.

Since upgrading my connection to 250 Mbps

This is the key part. If you want the unrars to be the fastest they can be, you can disable download during unrar. It's in the performance options.
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