Newsbin Betas, from 6.82-Full Release, thru 6.90RC6

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Newsbin Betas, from 6.82-Full Release, thru 6.90RC6

Postby mesadude » Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:11 pm

I've found that whenever I load and run a Newsbin series after the full release of 6.82, and I try and save various or Text files to PC, 99% of them don't have extensions.

Now, with 6.82 installed, whenever I save the same files (and similar), all downloaded 'read-me/text' files have ".txt" extensions.

Is there a way to fix this?
Switches somewhere, maybe?
Thank you,
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Re: Newsbin Betas, from 6.82-Full Release, thru 6.90RC6

Postby Quade » Tue Jan 24, 2023 9:14 pm

RC6 is dead and gone. If you want some behavior change, it'll only happen in the new 6.91 betas.

Some readme's are actually encoded files and some are just raw text.

So are you adding thing to download or Ctrl-Ring them
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