[feature request] Files window options

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[feature request] Files window options

Postby Dakoe » Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:23 am

I've just downloaded version 6 today to try out. So far I'm likeing it a lot and you guys have done an amazing job for it being the first beta.

One feature I was hoping would be added would be the ability to right click in the "files" window and have options. What I'm looking for in particular would be a refresh option to refresh the window to reread what content is in the download directory. I sometimes delete items from the directories directly rather than in newsbin and as such the information stays in newsbin till I close it and reopen it. As I will often leave it open for days having a lot of files listed that don't exist gets annoying when looking through the interface.
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Re: [feature request] Files window options

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:32 am

Refresh button? I can think about it.
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Re: [feature request] Files window options

Postby DThor » Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:48 am

Just to point out that for a heavy user such as yourself that rarely quits the application, I can imagine that you could conceivably have a crapload of files buried deep, and the inevitable next request would be to not have to manually do this... and this would result in a fair bit of I/O.
Nothing wrong with the request, just wondering if the files tab is best left as a history list, rather than a live file browser?

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Re: [feature request] Files window options

Postby Dakoe » Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:38 pm

DThor wrote:Just to point out that for a heavy user such as yourself that rarely quits the application, I can imagine that you could conceivably have a crapload of files buried deep, and the inevitable next request would be to not have to manually do this... and this would result in a fair bit of I/O.
Nothing wrong with the request, just wondering if the files tab is best left as a history list, rather than a live file browser?


For me it would be something that I would like to do once every couple of weeks or after I've deleted a large group of files. Downloads of the wrong things, and downloads of binaries that don't auto extract (usually because no par files) can really clutter up the screen and make it difficult to look through even as just a history list. Once you do a clear list old files that where cleared don't show up at all any more so when doing a refresh I could see it conceivably refreshing in the same way it does when you close the program and reopen it.
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