How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Newsbin 6.60 will have full Sick Beard integration. The way this works is:
Preliminary Docs:
In Sickbeard options, you'll configure "NZB Search" to:
If you set a username and password in Newsbin's Sickbeard Integration, you'll have to set them here.
In Newsbin, in the new SickBeard Integration options
Username: Red
Password: Blue
You set the same password (or none) that you did in SickBeard. TCP Port will default to 8000. This port needs to match the port you defined in SickBeard.
You need the address and port that Sickbeard is listening on. This the default. You can see the correct one listed in the web page you normally use to access SickBeard.
In the UnRAR path options, specify where you want Newsbin to unrar the files. You SHOULD use $(NZBFILE) on the end of this path. SB will delete the left over folder automatically.
I use :
Because I run SB remotely and the files need to end up on the same PC as SB. The one thing you should keep in mind is that SB doesn't seem to like the files landing inside the folders it manages so, if SB is managing C:\DL\, you don't want the UnRAR folder to be set inside this path. Something like C:\Staging\ would be a better destination.
The way this works then:
1 - Sickbeard finds an NZB for you.
2 - Sickbeard contacts Newsbin and tells it where to download the NZB.
3 - Newsbin retrieves the NZB, then downloads the mentioned files.
4 - When this download finished unrarring, Newsbin will contact SickBeard and tell it the path and NZB Filename of the file.
5 - Sickbeard grabs the file, renames and/or copies the file into the path defined in SB.
6.60 is going to be in early beta hopefully this week.
Preliminary Docs:
In Sickbeard options, you'll configure "NZB Search" to:
NZB Method : SabNZB
SABnzbd URL: http://localhost:8000/
SABnzbd Username: Red
SABnzbd Password: Blue
SABnzbd API Key
If you set a username and password in Newsbin's Sickbeard Integration, you'll have to set them here.
In Newsbin, in the new SickBeard Integration options
Username: Red
Password: Blue
You set the same password (or none) that you did in SickBeard. TCP Port will default to 8000. This port needs to match the port you defined in SickBeard.
SB PostProcess Options: http://localhost:8081/
You need the address and port that Sickbeard is listening on. This the default. You can see the correct one listed in the web page you normally use to access SickBeard.
In the UnRAR path options, specify where you want Newsbin to unrar the files. You SHOULD use $(NZBFILE) on the end of this path. SB will delete the left over folder automatically.
I use :
Because I run SB remotely and the files need to end up on the same PC as SB. The one thing you should keep in mind is that SB doesn't seem to like the files landing inside the folders it manages so, if SB is managing C:\DL\, you don't want the UnRAR folder to be set inside this path. Something like C:\Staging\ would be a better destination.
The way this works then:
1 - Sickbeard finds an NZB for you.
2 - Sickbeard contacts Newsbin and tells it where to download the NZB.
3 - Newsbin retrieves the NZB, then downloads the mentioned files.
4 - When this download finished unrarring, Newsbin will contact SickBeard and tell it the path and NZB Filename of the file.
5 - Sickbeard grabs the file, renames and/or copies the file into the path defined in SB.
6.60 is going to be in early beta hopefully this week.