Filter Profile DropDown Unsorted and Slow

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Filter Profile DropDown Unsorted and Slow

Postby OldGuyWalking » Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:34 pm

Downloaded and installed NB6.80B5 Build: 4909 last night.

The time to display the Filter Profile dropdown list is about 2 - 4 seconds. It normally displays the drop down list instantaneously. Plus the list of items is now showing in a random order (not alphabetized).

All other dropdowns (that I've tried) work as usual.

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Re: Filter Profile DropDown Unsorted and Slow

Postby Quade » Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:26 pm

How many filter profiles do you have? One change is that Newsbin goes to disk more for the filters so, if you change the filters externally, Newsbin doesn't have to be restarted for them to apply.
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Re: Filter Profile DropDown Unsorted and Slow

Postby OldGuyWalking » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:05 pm

Edit: I now have 22 Filter Profiles. 20 are below 55 entries. 1 is 115 and one is 461. I'm going to split any of the profiles with 80 or more records into smaller sets. Response time is better. I guess the benefit to the Filter Profile having limitations is that it forces me to clean up the lists on occasion.
I have 41. At least half have < 10 entries. I can't consolidate them. Many of them are one-off's that I use to do specific subsearches within lists. I could type them in manually every time but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a filter built-in to the software.

In the past I've reduced the number of Filter Profiles, I've split large profiles into smaller profiles, and I moved the database to an SSD drive which reduced the time to edit and save Filter Profiles significantly (by about 90%). If NB is now reading the profile data from the SSD rather than memory would the impact be that significant?

Quade wrote: if you change the filters externally

Hadn't done this in the past. Mostly extracted filters so I could clean them up.

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