Header Download Strangeness

I wanted to completely download new headers for one particular group. "alt.mygroup". I forgot to first delete the old headers ("Post Storage/Delete Stored Posts"). Instead I just right-clicked on the group and selected "Download Special/Download All Headers". The download list then showed the download path "spool\alt.mygroup" as the headers were slowly downloading.
However, when I look in the particular spool\alt.mygroup goup folder on my hard drive, it only contains a 12 KB file, Range.db3, and the Storage.db3 is not created during download.
Strangely, as alt.mygroup was downloading, many other groups (but not all!) were instead updating and the Storage.db3 for those groups was growing even though the groups had not been selected to be updated and they do not show up in the download list!? The Groups list also shows that they are being updated. Why is that?
After the download of alt.mygroup was completed (per the download list), the Storage.db3 was then created and then very, very slowly increased in size.
Please explain what is happening (and where is the data for alt.mygroup and the Storage.db3 file coming from. Is there a temp file somewhere?)
However, when I look in the particular spool\alt.mygroup goup folder on my hard drive, it only contains a 12 KB file, Range.db3, and the Storage.db3 is not created during download.
Strangely, as alt.mygroup was downloading, many other groups (but not all!) were instead updating and the Storage.db3 for those groups was growing even though the groups had not been selected to be updated and they do not show up in the download list!? The Groups list also shows that they are being updated. Why is that?
After the download of alt.mygroup was completed (per the download list), the Storage.db3 was then created and then very, very slowly increased in size.
Please explain what is happening (and where is the data for alt.mygroup and the Storage.db3 file coming from. Is there a temp file somewhere?)