Unzip flattens directory hierarchy

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Unzip flattens directory hierarchy

Postby meenich » Fri Nov 17, 2017 4:32 pm

I think this started with B11 - when you download a post with a single zip file it will unzip that file. So far so good. What's not so good is that when doing the unzip it completely mashes up the directory hierarchy. Instead of unzipping to the hierarchy contained in the zip file, it flattens the directory structure, and prepends the directory path information to the leaf file names.

Not sure if this has been reported before. Lots of examples can be found in alt.binaries.mac.applications.

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Re: Unzip flattens directory hierarchy

Postby Quade » Fri Nov 17, 2017 6:12 pm

I'll check it out. Unzipping is relatively new (in Newsbin). I didn't know people used the internal pathing stuff. Will probably require code changes.
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