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failed unrar for large files

Wed Sep 21, 2022 5:24 am
by bertm
the newsbin internal WinRAR fails large files. I must manually unrar these files.
the problem I really have is the queue gets overloaded with unattended downloads.
Re: failed unrar for large files

Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:29 pm
by Quade
How large? Are you using 6.82?
Re: failed unrar for large files

Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:27 am
by bertm
60+ files about 48829 KB each
This is not new. I just never asked about it.
Re: failed unrar for large files

Fri Sep 23, 2022 9:43 am
by Quade
Do you see any errors in the logs? I'm just not sure why the size of the unrar would matter.
Re: failed unrar for large files

Fri Sep 23, 2022 11:39 am
by Quade
I just did a 45 gig rar set. It worked. Are you downloading multiple 45 gig sets at once? I'm wondering if it could be running out of space.
Re: failed unrar for large files

Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:19 am
by bertm
no it must be a setting. is 6.82 better?
Re: failed unrar for large files

Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:37 pm
by Quade
I'd say 6.90 is better. That's what I used.
The most obvious cause would be running out of disk space. If you download a 45 gig rar set, you need to have at least 90's gigs free to hope for it to unrar. I usually suggest having at least 3 times the download size free in order for the unrar to work properly so, 120 gigs or there abouts. If you download to one drive and unrar to another each one needs to have 50+ gigs free on it.
If you have limited disk space and have "recycle bin" turned on for that drive, you might want to experiment with turning it off. Recycle bin can run you out of disk space. Windows will report more free than is really free. Windows cleans the recycle bin slower than Newsbin can download so, you might get a collision there.
Re: failed unrar for large files

Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:40 am
by bertm
You are correct - disk space. I read an unsaved message saying it couldn't determine if there was adequate disk space.