Possible to STOP .zip files within a .rar being unzipped ?

Some downloads especially aplilications contain .zip within the .rar.
This current version (6.91 B7 build 5731) will not only automatically decompress the the initial .rar (which is great),
but if the .rar contains .zip files, will unzip those too. Which is not so great when upon installation the program installer
looks for said .zip files and cannot find them causing it to fail.
Is there a "hidden" option to stop this behaviour
This current version (6.91 B7 build 5731) will not only automatically decompress the the initial .rar (which is great),
but if the .rar contains .zip files, will unzip those too. Which is not so great when upon installation the program installer
looks for said .zip files and cannot find them causing it to fail.
Is there a "hidden" option to stop this behaviour