AutoPar Unrar Newbie Question

Hello guys.
Let's presume I am in a binary group.
There is a large RAR set post, with accompanying PAR2 file set.
I queue up the whole set in NBP.
NBP downloads the PAR2 set, then out of 111 .RAR files, the first 100 or so are downloaded OK.
Then remaining 11 or so files, with the final volume being smaller than the rest of course, NBP insists on stopping download, and "repairing" to generate the remaining 11 or so files.
I want NBP to download ALL 111+ files, then do the auto-unrar.
It takes my system 15+ minutes to "repair" (create the un-downloaded 11 files) than it would to just literally download them. I have a 1 gbps download speed. Would only take 1-2 min to download.
Why is NBP insisting on doing the "repair" to create the "missing" 11 files, instead of just downloading EVERYTHING, then proceed with the auto unrar.
Thank you for your troubleshooting help.
Let's presume I am in a binary group.
There is a large RAR set post, with accompanying PAR2 file set.
I queue up the whole set in NBP.
NBP downloads the PAR2 set, then out of 111 .RAR files, the first 100 or so are downloaded OK.
Then remaining 11 or so files, with the final volume being smaller than the rest of course, NBP insists on stopping download, and "repairing" to generate the remaining 11 or so files.
I want NBP to download ALL 111+ files, then do the auto-unrar.
It takes my system 15+ minutes to "repair" (create the un-downloaded 11 files) than it would to just literally download them. I have a 1 gbps download speed. Would only take 1-2 min to download.

Why is NBP insisting on doing the "repair" to create the "missing" 11 files, instead of just downloading EVERYTHING, then proceed with the auto unrar.
Thank you for your troubleshooting help.