files do not download

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files do not download

Postby Louis Bowells » Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:59 pm

Some few days ago I was downloading a lot of files successfully. I had to log out, but when I returned the list of what remained to download had vanished. Previously the pending list would reappear and recommence downloading. Since then, while a site's file list will download and I can mark files to download, the files do not appear in the downloading window and no files appear in my downloaded file. My OS is Vista My provider is ATT unlimited data, my browser is Firefox and I am using two news servers. What has gone wrong?
Louis Bowells
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Re: files do not download

Postby Quade » Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:40 am

I'd look in the logging tab for errors. Normally this mean your account lapsed with the news server.
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