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New member

Postby Snowey » Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:33 am

My PC went seriously wrong so I stupidly decided to upgrade windows 10 to the latest version :-(
The upgrade made things even worse, so I decided to roll back to last good config :-(
PC totally trashed and SSD boot sector corrupted so even Acronis will not recover it :-((((((

So, starting again from scratch with new SSD as can recover configs from old one.

Was with Giganews but completion is now so bad that service !!!!!
Have now signed up with newshosting, not happy, 14 days evaluation but billed £117.59 immediatly.
Was using Android news reader, has worked well for many years, but will not work properly with newshosting, so have installed newsbin and will subscribe.

- How do you change the width of the columns in the config, huge widths for small entries requires constant scrolling ?
- How do you stop it creating endless tabs, have unticked the tab box in options ?
- How do you get rid of that nasty red X icon in the lower panel, so easy to click by mistake ?

Thanks for any help
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Re: New member

Postby Quade » Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:31 pm

1 - You can change the widths by using the mouse to grab the splitters between the columns at the top and moving them left or right.

2 - If you're talking about one group per tab. One solution would be to generate folders in the group window and place all related groups into a single tab. Then you can load a folders worth of groups into a single tab.
If you're talking about NZBs, in the NZB options, I'd check "Download Loaded NZBS" which is the second check box in the NZB options. If might be named something else in older versions. This will send NZB's directly to the download list with no tabs at all.

3 - Not sure exactly what you mean here. You can lock some window changes by clicking the lock button on the toolbar at the top.

I'd recommend using 6.90RC3 over the release 6.82 version. Modern NZB's really need the latest version.
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Re: New member

Postby Snowey » Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:59 am

Thanks for the reply
I was changing the widths by dragging but finding them different every time I changed group. Now been playing with configs, again, and got them to stay the same - problem solved but don't know how.

Same as above, played with config again and now only get one tab, don't know why but ok.

I mean the red X that deletes the files from your hard disk that you have spent ages finding and want to keep.

Slowly trying to reorient my self but it is so different to Android, which was so straight forward.

No progress with rebuilding PC.
First SSD - lost in post - refund
Second SSD - stock error - refund
Third SSD - awaiting Amazon !
So still using this old PC.

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