B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

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B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby RankoSaotome » Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:31 am


Today I restarted NBP und saw the MOTD:
#July 14, 2021, 7:00am
#New Obfuscation Method...
#Some uploaders to Usenet are now using a new obfuscation method that older versions of Newsbin does not support. The latest beta release, #6.90 B12, does support this obfuscation method. If you are seeing lots of failures to download posts, please upgrade to this beta release. It is very stable and close to production release.

So I installed the new 6.90 B12 build 5396.
Then I let it download new headers and after that it should automatically download the bodies/files.
After some time in the Window 'Downloading Files' many postings stay with a red bar.

So I reinstalled NBP back to stable 6.82 build 5142 and restarted NBP.
All those postings were downladed automatically and none stayed with a red bar.

This is something I experienced with 6.90 b10 Build5368 (May2021) also.
I did not post this, because I thought it was a temporary problem with B10 but now b12 does ist also wrong.
That is the reason I went back to 6.82 build 5142.

(If I get to know how to send pics in this forum, then I may be able to show a pic of the screen)

Can you understand the problem and tell me what I do wrong?
Please excuse my typos. I am not native english speaking.
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Re: B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:16 pm

I've seen it leave some files in the download list. It seems to be PAR file groups. I'd just delete them for now.

Finding out why is on my todo list.

If you don't use NZB's then 6.82 is fine. If you do use NZB's I'd suggest sticking with B12.
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Re: B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby RankoSaotome » Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:23 pm

Quade wrote:If you don't use NZB's then 6.82 is fine. If you do use NZB's I'd suggest sticking with B12.

Well I let NBP download all new files, but since several Versions ist has a bug (automatically jumping filemarker) so sometimes, when I try to delete selected lines from the downloadwindow it did mark other lines automatically and then they get delete also.
Since NBP has not 'undo' Function the only way to get the unwanted deleted lines/files back is to use NZB.

So to get both the features in a stable usage I understand that I have to use 2 versions of NZB.
6.82 for normal downloads and when I use NZB I should use B12.
Is it possible to install and activate/register 2 NBP Versions at the same time?
Please excuse my typos. I am not native english speaking.
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Re: B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:53 pm

Well I let NBP download all new files, but since several Versions ist has a bug (automatically jumping filemarker) so sometimes, when I try to delete selected lines from the downloadwindow it did mark other lines automatically and then they get delete also.
Since NBP has not 'undo' Function the only way to get the unwanted deleted lines/files back is to use NZB.

I'd suggest pausing the download using the main pause button on the toolbar before you delete them. Or just leave the red files there till the download completes.

You can run both versions if you want. Just make sure they don't share the same data folder or the same NBI file. You can do that by passing the NBI in the commandline and using two different short cuts to start them.

So install 6.82, then make a copy of the install folder (in Program Files). Call it "Newsbin 6.82" . Then install 6.90, let it upgrade the old 6.82 folder. You can rename that folder or just keep in mind the Newsbin folder is 6.90. At that point you'll want two shortcuts. One pointing to 6.82 and one pointing to 6.90. Pass two different NBI's to each shortcut and make sure each NBI has a different data folder. For the NZB downloading shortcut, you don't need a full "spool_v6" which is where most of the disk space it. You only need that folder when downloading headers.

It seems like a bunch or work whereas you could just pause 6.90, delete, then unpause it.
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Re: B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby RankoSaotome » Mon Nov 29, 2021 8:48 am

Hello again.

Since several time passed, I hoped this problem would be solved.
So today I installed 6.90 RC5 Build5495.

The problem was:
Quade wrote:I've seen it leave some files in the download list. It seems to be PAR file groups. I'd just delete them for now.
Finding out why is on my todo list.

But here I also see entries that stay in the 'Downloading files' Window. And yes, they look like par rntries.

I guess I will have to go back to 6.82 final and wait further.
Please excuse my typos. I am not native english speaking.
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Re: B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby Quade » Mon Nov 29, 2021 11:15 am

I'm not seeing it in 6.90RC5 so, I consider it a solved issue. How are these PARS getting into the download list? Search, Headers or NZB Files?

If you use NZB Files, feed them directly to the download list. Also if you use NZB Files, you'd doing yourself a disservice by not using 6.90. 6.82 simply doesn't work very well with newer NZBs.
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Re: now 690RC6 Problems

Postby RankoSaotome » Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:25 am

Quade wrote:I'm not seeing it in 6.90RC5 so, I consider it a solved issue. How are these PARS getting into the download list? Search, Headers or NZB Files?
If you use NZB Files, feed them directly to the download list. Also if you use NZB Files, you'd doing yourself a disservice by not using 6.90. 6.82 simply doesn't work very well with newer NZBs.

Well. Yesterday I had the time and nerve to make a complete backup of my PC used for nbp and then I could try the new version.
I short: it is a disaster. Image link not allowed for unregistered users

So, yesterday I did go from Ver. 6.82 Final Build 5142 to 6.90 RC6 Build 5504.
I did not change any setting at that time.
I rebootet the PC afterwards and then let it run to automatically download all new headers and then the bodies.

1. I get less *.par files in the target Directory/download folder D:\N\$(GROUP)\ than with the 6.82.
- Does NBP do not download all the files or
- does it not download the *.par because it hat the complete *.mkv or
- does it download all files but deletes some *.par itself?
I do not know, but it looks awkward when it worked fine several hours before with 6.82.

2. After some time, NBP does just stop downloading.
DL Speed drops to zero, but it has several (around 120) entries left in the 'downloading files window'.
I waited several hours, but it does not go up again.
Then I closed NBP, waited a short time, cleaned up the target Directory and startet it again.
And it had this 120+ entries again and because of the 'automatic update Modes' with 'Update Groups when NW starts' it did again download new entries and added them at the bottom at the list.
And it did download all the same files again (again with less *.par files than with 6.82).
So I switched off this 'automatic update groups setting'.

3. With 6.82 I could see in the 'downloading files window' the 'download path' (and there I could see the name of the newsgroup like I defined it in the settings: D:\N\$(GROUP))
Now I just see the name of the path D:\N\
Since I let download from various newsgroups and some are at some days flooded with giblish names (I suppose they are encrypted), I used 'download path' to sort the 'downloading files window' and than manually delete those several thousands of entries, because they were all together.
But now the 'downloading files window' does not mention the target newsgroup and now I can not sort by this criteria.

4. NBP 6.90 does not seem to work the entries in the 'downlading files windows' in any order I can follow.
After restarting (look above) it does add the 'downloading headers' entries to the top, then it adds the new (and some old) headers at the bottom of the list (which already has the mentioned 120+ old entries) and then it works the list, but not from top to bottom or in any order I can understand (until it just stops downloading again like I mentioned above).

5.Then I saw, that NBP did download some *.par but did not download or reconstruct the *.mkv
This sometimes happens when the File name is veeeery long (I guess windows with its 256 limitation (path and name) is to blame).
So I create a NZB and let nbp download with the nzb to a very short dirctoryname and up til now it worked fine.
It worked fine up 6.82 until I did update to 6.90.
What do I do:
I go to http://www.nzbindex.com to make me an nzb because I was searching for a file with the CRC Checksum [23CA7AC1]
I do get the nzb, I gave the file to NBP and it did download all *.par but not the *.mkv again.
And just to be shure: I looked and over a month ago with nbp 6.82 I did the same with [312F4984] and it worked fine.

After this Posting, I will backup my System again and go back to 6.82 to check if the nzb and Downloadpathname issue is better.

But up until now I am very sad an disappointed. Image link not allowed for unregistered users Image link not allowed for unregistered users Image link not allowed for unregistered users
What am I doing wrong?

In the Setting 'AutoPAR Options'
Only 'x User internal RAR timestamps....' ist checked.
All the other entries are not checked.
Please excuse my typos. I am not native english speaking.
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back to 6.82 - it works fine - again

Postby RankoSaotome » Sat Jan 08, 2022 6:09 am

So. I am back to 6.82.

to point 1 from posting before:
Again I did get the new headers and let nbp download the bodies.
And with 6.82 I again get severals *.par and the *.mkv.
Directory d:\N\a.b.multimedia.anime.highspeed
08.01.2022 10:00 5.748 [LoopSubs] Slow Loop - 01 [1080p][HEVC][AAC][CFFF3FA0].5F76.par2
08.01.2022 10:01 1.439.416 [LoopSubs] Slow Loop - 01 [1080p][HEVC][AAC][CFFF3FA0].5F76.vol00+01.par2
08.01.2022 10:01 2.873.084 [LoopSubs] Slow Loop - 01 [1080p][HEVC][AAC][CFFF3FA0].5F76.vol01+02.par2
08.01.2022 10:01 5.746.052 [LoopSubs] Slow Loop - 01 [1080p][HEVC][AAC][CFFF3FA0].5F76.vol03+04.par2
08.01.2022 10:01 11.486.356 [LoopSubs] Slow Loop - 01 [1080p][HEVC][AAC][CFFF3FA0].5F76.vol07+08.par2
08.01.2022 10:01 17.221.028 [LoopSubs] Slow Loop - 01 [1080p][HEVC][AAC][CFFF3FA0].5F76.vol15+12.par2
08.01.2022 10:01 377.049.302 [LoopSubs] Slow Loop - 01 [1080p][HEVC][AAC][CFFF3FA0].mkv
Why does it not work like this in 6.90?

to point 2 from posting before: I am still testing, since it may need some time to see if it stops after some time/hours.

to point 3 from posting before:
Now I can see the complete download path again ( D:\N\$(GROUP) )in the 'downlowading files window'

to point 4 from posting before:
Now it does download again in a normal order from above: top to bottom.

to point 5 from posting before:
I did enter the same *.nzb for the [23CA7AC1] in nbp and shoved it to top to download it as first: and it worked again.
I get 7 *.par files and 1 *.mkv file.
And Multipar tells me that everything is okay and complete.
The crc32 SFV checksum is also correct.

So my problems with nbp really seem to be with 6.90.
I mentioned problems with newer versions than 6.82 earlier (month ago).
It looks to me (maybe just for me?) with the newer changes nbp took a turn for the worse.
What am I doing wrong?
What can I do to make 6.90 work as good as 6.82 does for me?
Please excuse my typos. I am not native english speaking.
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Re: B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby Quade » Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:54 am

Do you have autopar enabled? If so, the MKV files will end up in the unrar folder when Newsbin is done. It sounds like you're expecting them to be in the download folder. Newsbin shouldn't download any pars unless it needs them. 6.90 won't auto-download a grouped set of files that's shows incomplete files so, I'd assume 6.90 won't add a file to the download list on header download until the full set is completed.

You act like you want a bunch of PARS is that the case?

Maybe explain what behavior you're expecting and what mode you're using. I'm just about to release 6.90 so, time's running out for changes.

If autopar is enabled the way it works is:

1 - Single small PAR file downloads.
2 - Files download to download folder while Newsbin counts up PAR blocks.
3 - When the last file in the group downloads. Newsbin will initiate a repair or unrar.
4 - If nothing needs to be repaired, the files, either the raw MKV or the contents of RARS get sent to the unrar folder.
4a - If the the files are damaged, Newsbin downloads just enough PARS to repair them.
5 - If the unrar folder isn't set or it's set to be the same as the download folder, nothing is moved.
6 - When everything is done, the pars are deleted.

For #3, it's reporting the unrar path now. If you have autopar disabled, this might not be that usable to you but for most people, it shows where the files will end up. You could set the unrar path to be the same as the download path then you can see the download path.

You don't really need to backup the whole system. You can simply rename the data folder. In fact you could run both 6.82 and 6.90 at the same time as long as they use different data folders.
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Re: B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby RankoSaotome » Sat Jan 08, 2022 2:49 pm


Quade wrote:Do you have autopar enabled?

Like I wrote from my looking into Settings/AutoPAR Option in 6.90Rc6:
In the Setting 'AutoPAR Options'
Only 'x User internal RAR timestamps....' ist checked.
All the other entries are not checked.
So AutoPar is enabled by default.

Quade wrote: If so, the MKV files will end up in the unrar folder when Newsbin is done.

I have no unrar folder specified. I do not let nzb unrar files.
As example for the above mentiond files:
with 6.82Final I get all 7*PAR +1*mkv in D:\N\$(GROUP)\
with 6.90RC6 I get only 1*PAR +1*mkv in D:\N\$(GROUP)\

In the Setting 'AutoPAR Options':
_ Disable AutoPAR (= Autopar is enabled)
_ Automatically UnRAR Complete Files (= I do not let nbp unrar the files)
_ Remove repaired but not unrared sets in the download list (=Let ist repair, but do not remove them)
_ Delete RARs on successfull Repair (=Since it does not unrar it is not allowed to delete anything)
_ Pause Pars and only download the ones needed for Repair (= So it shloud download all even if it could repair with less)
_ Delete RARs ana PARs to Recycle Bin (= So it should not delete to the bin)
X User internal RAR Timestamps...
_Enable Post UnRAR Filter ( not checked an no UnRAR Filter specified).

In 6.82 there is one Option, that is not in 6.90RC6 (I did again upgrade to 6.90rc6 to verify it!):
X Aggressive Assembly mode (this is checked in 6.82, because I want it to PAR before it retries)

Just to list it again and more completely:
-In 6.82 it all worked fine!
-Then I made a Copy/Backup of the Data Folder (F:\NBIN-Parts\)
-Then I upgraded to 6.90RC6 and without manually changing anything in the setting: nbp goes wrong. -Then I did my Posting today here in the forum in my thread I dis start middle on 2021 with B10) with the problems.
-After that, I did end nbp, deleted the Data Folder (F:\NBIN-Parts\) and copied my Backup to a new created Data Folder (F:\NBIN-Parts\).
-Installing back zu 6.82Final and started: it workes fine again.
Downloads for hours with no problem. All files are there (all expected *.par all expected *.mkv *.jpg *.nfo ... and so on.)

Just to check if I am just wrong
-I did end nbp6.82, deleted the Data Folder (F:\NBIN-Parts\) and copied my above mentiones copy/Backup to a again new created Data Folder (F:\NBIN-Parts\).
-Then I just upgraded again zu 6.90RC6 and startet it.
-Automatically it gets the new headers, throws them in the 'download files' window/tab.
Voila again it goes as wrong as I described.
Like above I can confirm again in 6.90RC6:
Point 1. I get less *.par files in the target Directory/download folder D:\N\$(GROUP)\
Point 3. With 6.82 I could see in the 'downloading files window' the 'download path' (and there I could see the name of the newsgroup like I defined it in the settings: 'D:\N\$(GROUP))' Now in 6.90RC6 I just see the name of the path 'D:\N\'. I cant see the group.
Point 4. NBP 6.90 does not seem to work the entries in the 'downlading files windows' in any order I can follow.
And again:
Point 5. I enter the nzb I did create for manually downloading The Posting with the Checksum [23CA7AC1].
And again 6.90Rc6 does download the 7 included *.PAR and places them in 'D:\N\' (like it uses with all manually added nzb) but the around 800MB size *.mkv is missing. The same nzb did work several hours ago with 6.82Final.
And since I did just switch back to 6.82Final: The same nzb does work fine. I again got the file
"[LostYears] Banished from the Hero's Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside - S01E02 (WEB 1080p x265 10-bit AAC) [23CA7AC1].mkv"
and all of its 7 *.par in 'D:\N\'.

So the main reason something goes wrong in 6.90RC6 cant be, that I did manually change something the wrong way, because I did not change anything. I even use everytime the same Backup as basis so nbp always gets the same headers, because it does not know it got them in an earlier test.

Quade wrote: It sounds like you're expecting them to be in the download folder. Newsbin shouldn't download any pars unless it needs them.

In 6.82 nbp did download and keep all of them all there D:\N\$(GROUP)\ (I did a listing in the above posting: 7x *.par 1x *.mkv).
In 6.90RC6 it does not keep them. I cant say if it may download and hide oder delete them. But after a download they are not _all_ there (only 1x *.par and 1x *.mkv).
And when I go back to 6.82 the same download as in the 6.82 before is there (7x *.par 1x *.mkv).

Quade wrote: 6.90 won't auto-download a grouped set of files that's shows incomplete files so, I'd assume 6.90 won't add a file to the download list on header download until the full set is completed.

Since 6.82 can download it and it is complete (correct SFV Checksum and Multipar does show everything is there) before I did the update and after I did fall back to it, It is an issue with 6.90RC6. It does not have anything to do with an incomplete posting, since 6.82 can get it without problems and 6.90 can get the MKV also. But 6.90 does not download or show/keep the missing 6 *.PAR files.

Quade wrote: You act like you want a bunch of PARS is that the case?

Like before (with 6.82) I would like all that, what I specify to download in the 'downloading files' list.

Quade wrote: Maybe explain what behavior you're expecting and what mode you're using. I'm just about to release 6.90 so, time's running out for changes.

I expect the same behavior I do get with 6.82 Build 5142. Downloading everything I specify as long as it is available on the server.
It is nice that nbp can unpar and I use it (up until 6.82Final). But when you let npb6.90 automatically limit the downloaded files or let it delete files without mentioning, then make a switch to disable this deleting or at least mention that behavior in the settings at that point so one can decide or at least guess what happens.

I do not know what you mean by "mode".
I am starting nbp and let it periodically (every few hours) check Newsgroups for new headers/files for weeks or even month without PC restarting.
This headers are transfered automatically to the 'downloading files' tab/windows and then it downloads all this (at least with 6.82).

Sometimes when I miss something I get me an nzb from an Website like nzbindex.com binsearch.info or so and let nzb fetch me the content of that nzb (like I mentioned above in Point 5, but even that does not work in 6.90 anymore with that mentioned example, like I said).

And sometimes I get an nzb with encrypted stuff, then I let nbp also fetch the stuff and decrypt the files myself. So there I also need all files to do the encryption myself.

All that works/worked with 6.82 without a problem.

But serveral postings before, you told me something like this:
Quade wrote: Also if you use NZB Files, you'd doing yourself a disservice by not using 6.90. 6.82 simply doesn't work very well with newer NZBs.

So I did try the newest version, everytime I found it (since I do not restart nbp dayla I get the MOTD only when I restart and that may be several days/weeks after you released it).
And I again see that it does not work like 6.82.
The problems with the newer Versions began, when you changed it because of this ?obscurification? (or how it is spelled?) somewhere in the middle of 2021. I guessed that means postings with encrypted oder gibberish (mostly hexadecimal) texts.

Well like I wrote above I do even get nzb with encrypted stuff and that works fine with 6.82.
Other encrypted stuff in some Newsgroups I get I do not have the keys so I can't decrypt them. But since I do not know how to filter them also I just have to delete them manually. But even that is in nbp6.90 not so easy, because in nbp6.90 I can't see the Newsgroup any more (see above Point 3).

So I do not understand what this ?obscurification? really is or if I need it.
I just experience again and again (see older postings since Middle 2021, when I tried 6.90b10 Build5368) that the newer Versions after 6.82 don't work like 6.82.

Quade wrote: If autopar is enabled the way it works is:
1 - Single small PAR file downloads.
2 - Files download to download folder while Newsbin counts up PAR blocks.
3 - When the last file in the group downloads. Newsbin will initiate a repair or unrar.
4 - If nothing needs to be repaired, the files, either the raw MKV or the contents of RARS get sent to the unrar folder.
4a - If the the files are damaged, Newsbin downloads just enough PARS to repair them.
5 - If the unrar folder isn't set or it's set to be the same as the download folder, nothing is moved.
6 - When everything is done, the pars are deleted.

Your Point 3 and 4 and 5: Since I do not use/want nbp to unrar, that Option is not switched on.
Automatic unrar would make more problems for me: Sometimes there are postings with *.rar that do have subdirectoiries, sometimes some don't have subdirectories. It would be confusing and a hassle to sort, when hundreds or thousands of Postings without subdirectories all get mashed up in on directory.
Even the ability to put every posting in an extra subdir does not help, because the path would become very long and so the over all length in windows could be exceeded (like I mentioned in my Point 5) some files have so veeeery long names, that nbp can't put them on my windows system in D:\N\$(GROUP)\
(at least I get that Problem when the name is veeeeery long. When I let the same File download in an folder/directory with a very shot path D:\N\ then nbp can download it).

Your Point 6: I dont want them do be deleted. And that is what I specified in the settings/Unpar since I use nbp (when I am correct since 6.73).
Reason: Sometimes I get *.par that are completely written in uppercase. Those are an indication that something is wrong with the downloaded file. When I check the Files: Yes theer really is something wrong. Because of that I want to keep them and decide myself when I give up to repair and delete them.

Quade wrote: For #3, it's reporting the unrar path now. If you have autopar disabled, this might not be that usable to you but for most people, it shows where the files will end up.

It seems you are mistaken or I do not understand you correctly:

nbp 6.90RC6 shows in the 'downloading files' tab/window: download path: D:\N\ but the files end up in D:\N\a.b.multimedia.anime.highspeed\

nbp 6.82Final shows in the 'downloading files' tab/window: D:\N\a.b.multimedia.anime.highspeed\ and the files end really in D:\N\a.b.multimedia.anime.highspeed\

Quade wrote: You could set the unrar path to be the same as the download path then you can see the download path.

Again: i do not let nbp unrar the files. The files in 6.82 are not moved from D:\N\$(GROUP)\ and I do not want them to be moved from D:\N\$(GROUP)\.
And in 6.90RC6 the Files also end up in D:\N\$(GROUP)\ but they do not all go there. I guess it is like you said in your Point 1: *sadly* nbp just does not download all the par files.

Quade wrote: You don't really need to backup the whole system.

This time it was for general PC/Windows safety reasons. I wanted to back the whole Sysemdrive C:+V: (both letters are on the same SSD) to have an Backup when something bad happens.
The other drives (D: E: F: W: and so on, where I keep the Data folders and downloaded files for/from nbp and other stuff) were not completely backed up at that time. The data there is far more valuable for me and that is backed up more frequently to other locations and systems.
So it just was convenient now to test again a new nbp Version - and sadly again it does not do it for me.

Quade wrote: You can simply rename the data folder.

Well, I copied/backuped my data folder (F:\NBIN-Parts\) to an other directory/folder on the same SSD (F:\NBIN-Parts-old\), so I could experiment with this two nbp versions (6.82Final and 6.90RC6) by copying the same backuped Data from (F:\NBIN-Parts-old\) back to F:\NBIN-Parts\. So I have/had for all tests everytime the same base of Data to compare.

Quade wrote: In fact you could run both 6.82 and 6.90 at the same time as long as they use different data folders.

Running both versions simultanioulsy would stress the system far to much and let me download everything twice. And interchanging between the two Versions (one day Run one Version and the other day run the other version would also double/expand the needesd Space and I would need to make some automatic start/stop for nbp.

That would be much hassle. Up until now when I reboot the PC (when an update is needed oder so every few weeks) I just start nbp and let it run until I start again a few weeks later.
Please excuse my typos. I am not native english speaking.
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Re: B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby Quade » Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:53 am

I think I understand what you want. You cant it to always download all the rars and pars and not attempt a repair or unrar.

In 6.90 if you want to download all the files, you need to disable autopar. So check the top box. It'll then download all the files in the set including all the PARS and then remove the download from the download list. You might want to just stick with 6.82 if you like the way it works. It's too late to make any changes to 6.90.

Newsbin assumes by default that you don't want to save the RARS and PARS. I can look into adding a "Repair but also download all the PARS" mode but currently that's not how 6.90 works and it would be too dangerous to make the change now.

Running both versions simultanioulsy would stress the system far to much and let me download everything twice.

You don't have to run them at the same time (though you could).
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Re: B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby RankoSaotome » Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:24 pm


Quade wrote:I think I understand what you want. You cant it to always download all the rars and pars and not attempt a repair or unrar.

Well in 6.82 it works. I get all *.par and *.rar (or even the *.mkv, *.avi. or whatever the poster dis post, because the posters in the groups I frequently search dont user rar any more. They just poste the file *.mkv oder so and add several *.par).

Quade wrote: In 6.90 if you want to download all the files, you need to disable autopar. So check the top box. It'll then download all the files in the set including all the PARS and then remove the download from the download list.

That is very sad. AutoPar was a good feature (as fas as nbp6.82 goes).
If that is the only solution, why is there an option
'Delete RARs and PARs an successfull UnRAR'
that if left unchecked *.par get removed (or not even loaded) anyway since 6.90?
The same option ist there in 6.82 and it worked like expected.

Quade wrote: You might want to just stick with 6.82 if you like the way it works. It's too late to make any changes to 6.90.

Okay. Maybe I should have testet 6.90 B10 and B12 more before posting in middle 2021, to find this problem also.
Now (even when 6.90 is not yet final) changes (to the earlier behavior, to download the complete postet content, from before) are not able any more, you say.
Seems so. I think my bad english may als be to blame, since I just wanted to use nbp like I learned over the past years and not wanted to read the website V600-UserGuide or the announcement everytime a new when there is a new beta.
My bad.
So now I read all the AutoPar and Download Infos in the Postings https://forums.newsbin.com/viewforum.php?f=44 from B10 ut until now RC6.
Nowhere did i find mentioning this behavior (not downloading all *.par if nbp thinks it has the all other files).

Post subject: Newsbin Beta 6.90B10 - build 5368
- AutoPAR: Repaired files ...
- AutoPAR: Logging callback...
- AutoPAR: Encrypted File...
- AutoPAR: Encrypted File...

Post subject: Newsbin Beta 6.90B12 - build 5396
- AutoPAR: Newest format NZB’s...
- AutoPAR: Fix for very rare 16K...

Post subject: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC1 - build 5424
- AutoPAR: Fix for problem where a RAR set contains a file with a leading space...
- AutoPAR: Behavior change when unraring to download folder...
- AutoPAR: Can only download a set once per session
- AutoPAR: Report that it can't be disabled. In fact it was true....
- Download: Changing server configuration...

Post subject: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438
- Download: Report that header DB’s that split the NZB Data...
- Download: When downloading, some NZB’s now have completely random names...

Post subject: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC3 - build 5462
AutoPAR: Solved another new type of obscured files...
AutoPAR: More rename modes for more kinds of...
AutoPAR: Some renames didn't work because Newsbin...
AutoPAR: Files with no extension now get probed and...
Download: 0/1 parters linger in the download list.
Download: DNS errors cause a strange error report
Download: Re-implemented support for old header formats....

Post subject: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485
AutoPAR: Obscured rename - Files don’t have extensions now...
AutoPAR: Look in subject for rename topic when downloading obscured.
AutoPAR: Certain NZB’s contain download that are 3 way encoded...
AutoPAR: Fixed a password problem with QPMS...
AutoPAR: Default pause during decode to don’t pause...
Download: Some PAR only sets linger in the download list even when they finish downloading...
Download: Confirmed using root path for download path...
Download: Report that apparent incompletes cause crashing...
Download: More new NZB Formats added...
Download: Changed pathing again to make it...

Post subject: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC6 - build 55504
Download: Speed limiter causes the GUI to stutter
AutoPAR: Disable obscured renaming if the number...
AutoPAR: Changed Obscured rename to ignore anything but MKV, MP4 and...

You did really did a lot of work and put it in nzb.
But where did I miss mentioning the new downloadbehavior?

Quade wrote: Newsbin assumes by default that you don't want to save the RARS and PARS. I can look into adding a "Repair but also download all the PARS" mode but currently that's not how 6.90 works and it would be too dangerous to make the change now.

Running both versions simultanioulsy would stress the system far to much and let me download everything twice.

You don't have to run them at the same time (though you could).

What do you suggest? Manually switching between the versions every other day or how would you do it (in my shoes)?
Please excuse my typos. I am not native english speaking.
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Re: B10 and B12 keep files with red bar in download window

Postby Quade » Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:17 pm

1 - Most people don't keep the pars after download, so that's how it's designed to work.

2 - Most people want to minimize PAR downloading because they're not normally needed and they consume time and bandwidth

3 - Most downloads don't need the pars at all. The files download undamaged.

I assume you desire to save the MKV's and keep the pars to save for later. Maybe that's how you save the downloads.

My advice is keep using 6.82. The changes in 6.90 are mostly for new-format obscured NZB files and as far as I can tell, the Anime groups don't use these new NZB's so, there's no real reason to upgrade. I wrote a note to look into being able to have autopar enabled AND download all the files. It's just too late for 6.90.
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