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cancel search?

Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:10 am
by kamakazi downloader
I'm trying to cancel the search feature and cannot get it...can anyone give me an assist? On the tech support page under 'Control Panel' button there is the option to 'RENEW/CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION'...but that does nothing other than put you right back into the same page! Thnx
Re: cancel search?

Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:59 am
by Quade
Use the tech support form on the main web page. I believe you can get to it from the help menu in Newsbin too.
Re: cancel search?

Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:14 pm
by kamakazi downloader
erm.... I DID use the tech support, but no response or solution.... i got a popup saying it needs to know the version etc but the version I'm using (6.80RC7) is not on the drop list to choose from and I can't enter it manually....
Re: cancel search?

Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:21 pm
by kamakazi downloader
Also no response on the phone either, only a recording.
Re: cancel search?

Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:25 pm
by kamakazi downloader
Since Nov. 2007, I have had this feature with no problems. Now, however I do not want it and cannot get it ended. This isn't cool... I need some real time/real person assistance here. No one answers the phone number for billing problems and the tech support page isn't much support.
Re: cancel search?

Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:27 pm
by dexter
On the Tech Support form, you would choose the second option under Version that says "Newsbin Beta (Please Specify Build), then in the comments you can add the build number but since you are just asking about how to cancel your Search subscription it doesn't matter.
To answer your question, you have to sign in to the Newsbin Control Panel in order to cancel. If you don't know your login, you can get in from within Newsbin by clicking the Help menu option at the top of the Newsbin window then select "Search Control Panel". Keep in mind that some subscriptions are non-recurring so there may be no cancel option. If PayPal is managing your subscription, you need to cancel through PayPal. If you paid using a credit card on our website, you just click the Cancel link.
Re: cancel search?

Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:31 pm
by dexter
kamakazi downloader wrote:Also no response on the phone either, only a recording.
Yeah, I don't answer the phone. I go through messages later. You chose not to leave a message so you would not have received a response.
Re: cancel search?

Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:44 pm
by kamakazi downloader
Thank you, Dexter, but there is a problem with that though...I TRIED clicking the 'cancel' link but nothing works, hence my coming in here to ask.
Re: cancel search?

Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:52 pm
by dexter
kamakazi downloader wrote:Thank you, Dexter, but there is a problem with that though...I TRIED clicking the 'cancel' link but nothing works, hence my coming in here to ask.
I logged in as you (I'm admin so I can do that) and cancelled it without an issue. Only thing I can think is maybe you have popups disabled on your browser? When you click the cancel link, a popup asks you to confirm. If you have that blocked and you don't notice the info message saying a popup was blocked, it will appear to do nothing.
Your subscription is now cancelled.
Re: cancel search?

Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:58 pm
by kamakazi downloader
I was writing a post when you were as well I guess is why mine disappeared, lol.
Thank you Dexter
I have enjoyed you folks for these many years, and the search feature is awesome with no probs. I'm getting old-ish (70) and health issues, so I just don't watch as much now. Thank you again for assisting me. Not sure why it wouldn't do that for me...
Re: cancel search?

Fri May 18, 2018 9:43 am
by kamakazi downloader
OK, I find I can't live without my newsbin and search after all! lol still above ground, and can use a bit of entertainment. ~