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Posts download, but don't show.

Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:45 pm
by lyles43
I added a group with about 80,000 posts, "Download all posts", selected group from list, select show all posts, and nothing appears. What am I doing wrong?
Re: Posts download, but don't show.

Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:29 pm
by Quade
First look down where it says "cache" and see if you see a number in parens "Cache: X/Y (M)".
M represents importing header. If there's a non-zero number there, it should decrease till it reaches zero as long as Newsbin is running. If the number never goes down, it suggests a stuck header import. If that's what's happening I can explain how to unstick it once you tell me that's happening.
80,000 posts is a mostly dead group. If you PM me the name of the group, I can try it here.
Re: Posts download, but don't show.

Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:48 am
by lyles43
The cache info showed (0) when I restarted NB, but shows 200/200 (147) after downloading updates, and is not changing.
The group is rec.aviation.homebuilt. It shows 0 new files. I also added comp.home.automation , which also shows 0 new files, but displays 15,000 posts when I click on show all posts. What does "Show all posts" do?
Re: Posts download, but don't show.

Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:07 pm
by Quade
200/200 (147)
You have 147 blocks of headers to finish importing before you'll see the current posts for these groups. If the number never goes down, you might "Open Data Folder" from the options. Go into the "Import" folder. Delete/move all the files there. You might find one you can't delete. If that's the case, exit Newsbin. Then delete it.
Then download headers for these tiny groups again.
Keep in mind these are text only groups meaning the sizes of the posts are tiny. Any size filtering will hide them.
Re: Posts download, but don't show.

Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:26 pm
by lyles43
That solved it. Thanks.