How to combine Postings from different groups or...

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How to combine Postings from different groups or...

Postby RankoSaotome » Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:16 pm

Since some days an unknown person or site sends multipart RAR files with encrypted names.
I could not get all the files, so I searched a bit around and it seens he/she/it sends the postings to several groups, so that looking in one group alone does not help to get all the needed RAR and PAR files.
But even if I hunt down the filetopic in all the groups and try to download all the files, I can't get all needed RAR files.
I guess he/she/it does even send the postings for one file to different groups and nbin does not combine the postings to a complete or even broken RAR file.
And the PAR files I can get do not have enough material zu reconstruct the missing RAR files.
So I have two questions:
a. Is it possible to force nbin to combine files with postings from different groups? (and how to do it)
b. Is it possible to let nbin assemble (broken) files even with missing postings, so I can throw the bunch of them to multipar and hope for the best?

Thanks in advance!
Have a nice day!

If you need an example:
A quick search on the server for 0ff0c83dc6e34b91831b4ba2e096bc96 should give a hint.
In this example I can't seem to get
It looks like they are scattered in several groups like alt.binaries.anime alt.binaries.multimedia.anime.highspeed alt.binaries.multimedia.anime and so on.
Please excuse my typos. I am not native english speaking.
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Re: How to combine Postings from different groups or...

Postby Quade » Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:06 am

I've looked into it. Many of these spread out posts are "NZB Only". I've looked across groups and was never able to complete them.

So I'm not sure it can be done from Headers.
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