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Updating help, please.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:15 pm
by StrangeLove
Is there a way to update without having to do a full reinstall and readding all my personal codes?

My main concern is install Newsbin Pro on an off partition with even different download directories.
I'm currently using 6.82.b5142 and I've seen posts about 6.9 in the V6 forum.
I tried to download a nzb and while it downloaded all the files.
Each of the 10 files (tv series season 2) had the same name.
But there were about 30 folders in the download folder I've used for years (so not a pathing issue).
10 of those folder were empty, 10 had 50k zip files and 10 had the actual 10 episodes but they were all named the same thing.

So I'm guessing I need an update. I can see my current version but when I look on the main Newsbin page I can't figure out the current release version.

Thanks for any help, keep up the awesome work and thanks for this amazing program! 8)

Re: Updating help, please.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 10:44 pm
by Quade
I never uninstall. I just install the updates over top. In the options of 6.82, pick "Open data folder" then look for a file that ends in NBI. By default it's "Newsbin.nbi". That's the configuration file. I'd save off a copy of it so even if worse comes to worse, you can import the configuration into the new version.

Re: Updating help, please.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:17 am
by StrangeLove
Thanks for the reply. How do we tell if we need to update?
The current Download says 6.82 not the build number of which I'm using 5142 atm.

Or could I email the nzb and you try it, in case I'm doing anything incorrectly?

Re: Updating help, please.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 8:50 am
by StrangeLove
Nm, I finally found the Beta Release area. Now I can try to upgrade and will back up the Newsbin.nbi .


Re: Updating help, please.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 10:14 am
by StrangeLove
I tried to email you the NZB and it said you don't exist, doh!
I still believe in you Quade! :lol:

Please let me know if you can look at this issue.


Re: Updating help, please.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 4:42 pm
by Quade
[email protected] is how you can send it.