Setting a new unrar path help

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Setting a new unrar path help

Postby mickrick » Thu Jan 13, 2022 3:10 pm

I want to download rars to one location, then have them unrar to a different location, ie download to d:\ and unrar to e:\. But this isn't working for me. I load an .nzb, then "download to an existing location". The files then start downloading. I then select and pause downloading before a complete file is downloaded. I then set the new unrar location and restart downloading. But when all files have been downloaded, the unrar process starts to unrar to the folder the files were downloaded to. If I'm doing this wrong, what is the correct way to do it?
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Re: Setting a new unrar path help

Postby Quade » Thu Jan 13, 2022 4:23 pm

What version are you using?

In the main options you just need to set an UNRAR path to the E drive.


"E:\UR\($NZBFILE)\ "

For example.

Trying to catch it 1/2 way through download might be problematic. You ought to be able to right-click the download in the download list and assign a new unrar path. I've tested this but it's not what I recommend for normal downloads. For example, if the download has already finished and been handed off to the unrar code, you can't change the unrar path at that point.

Files already in the download list already have the unrar path set. Best way to change it, assuming you have unrars stacked up, is to restart and then hit the pause button, assign the new unrar paths in the download list, then unpause. If you change the unrar path before the particular set starts to download, it'll take.
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