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Download speeds

Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:10 am
by omega13lives
I am wondering why my internet plan is 600 MBs and I have tested it at 450-ish but only get about 150 downloading on Newsbin? I use NewsHosting and UseNetServer, the latter is my priority 1. Is this a Newbin config issue, or my News providers, or something I need to edit on my PC? I saw another post that said he was back up to around 600. Would enjoy that. Thanks.
Oh, and even typing fast, I got timed out before I could post this TWO TIMES!!!!! What's up with that???
Re: Download speeds

Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:11 pm
by Quade
1 - How many connections are you using to Usenetserver?
2 - What happens if you disable the other server and do some downloads?
As for what the cause it, it's could lots of things.
Small files download slower than large files.
Having too many files in the destination folder can slow it down.
Saving files to a slow disk can slow it down.
It could be security software or your network.
Are you wired into the network or using Wifi?
Re: Download speeds

Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:27 pm
by omega13lives
1 ā 8 on each of the 2 servers.
2 ā It seemed to be slower.
Using a wired connection, but now Iām more confused. I opened NetPerSec to monitor the download speed and It showed an average of almost 250 while NewsBin showed around 140. So I opened up Ookla speed test and when I first got the new modem recently, Ookla showed over 400 download, but just now it showed around 140, while NetPerSec still showed over 250. Hmmmmm. I wonder if Comcast is slowing me down because of the time of day or something.
Re: Download speeds

Tue Dec 19, 2023 10:44 pm
by omega13lives
Got the answer, thanks for your help. It's my VPN that's slowing me down. Without that it's well over 400 Mbps, with is max 150. Have to contact them I guess. Without a VPN it's not safe to download. Maybe there's another I can use, but this one is free. If you have a recommendation, I will listen.
P.S. WHY do I keep getting timed out here after only a few minutes?
Re: Download speeds

Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:58 pm
by Quade
You don't need to use a VPN with Newsbin or usenet in general. Connections to the news server are all SSL encrypted these days, (assuming you're using the SSL settings in the server options). A VPN doubles the distance the data has to travel to get to you.
Unlike torrents, the connections from Newsbin just go to the news server. With torrents they go all over the place. People downloading the same torrent can see your IP address.
I'll have to ask Dex about the timeouts. They're no happening here.
Re: Download speeds

Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:42 am
by omega13lives
Quade wrote:You don't need to use a VPN with Newsbin or usenet in general. Connections to the news server are all SSL encrypted these days, (assuming you're using the SSL settings in the server options). A VPN doubles the distance the data has to travel to get to you.
Unlike torrents, the connections from Newsbin just go to the news server. With torrents they go all over the place. People downloading the same torrent can see your IP address.
I'll have to ask Dex about the timeouts. They're no happening here.
I checked the box to keep me logged in and it's not happening, but without that it would prompt me to login every couple of minutes, AND tell me I logged in too many times and had to answer the question to continue.