Why is there a Powerusenet group? Its just giganews resellee

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Why is there a Powerusenet group? Its just giganews resellee

Postby McDunkMaster » Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:28 am

I dont understand...why not just post it in the giganews group?
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Postby Quade » Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:39 am

It's not like this information hasn't ALREADY been posted before.

It's separate because Dex and I wish it to be separate.
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Postby dexter » Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:28 am

They have their own brand and different account tiers so they get their own forum. Powerusenet offers a less expensive alternative to users who do not need the ultra-long retention Giganews provides. They have a tier that competes directly with the other $14.95/month all-you-can-eat plans available from other providers and they have better reliability and completion than any other company at this service level based on personal experience.
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Postby macintod » Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:44 am

I chose Powerusenet for the very exact reasons that Dex listed. They filled a niche and price level that worked for me. Been using them for about a month now and I'm very happy so far.
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Postby BlizzardUK » Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:18 pm

I am a bit confused when it comes to connections. I use Giganews at the moment, which I know comes with 10, but if I were to switch to PowerUsenet with 4 connections, would I notice any speed difference on a 2mb DSL connection ?
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Postby richy99 » Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:51 pm

not really no to be honest, if you cannot max out a connection to a giganews reseller with 3 or less connections i would be suprised i can max out 7.5 meg with 2 connections
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Postby macintod » Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:43 am

Right now for the most part I run 4 connections. The speeds are good with 3, but I can tell I have more bandwith it's not hitting so what's the point in waiting longer for the files to download. Just click it up a slot and there it is.
Newsbin and DU Meter show my connection completely pegged at 100% every single time with 4 connections. I like that consistancy.

Right now I have a 6Mbps cable pipe. I remember when I had DSL and a different news provider years ago and I could frequently max out my 6Mbps DSL with 1 connection lots of the time. Of course I was 3 blocks from the CO so that might have helped quite a bit.

I'm happy with Powerusenet so far. That's why they're gettin' my coin.
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Postby itimpi » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:31 am

BlizzardUK wrote:I am a bit confused when it comes to connections. I use Giganews at the moment, which I know comes with 10, but if I were to switch to PowerUsenet with 4 connections, would I notice any speed difference on a 2mb DSL connection ?

It is impossible to say, as it depends on so many variables, including unknowns like the route across the internet between you and PowerUsenet. However I would think you could expect to get 2Mb as long as your ISP dos not cap your speed in any way.

As an aside, what speed do you get from Giganews on a single connection? That would give you an indication of how many connections it takes from Giganews to max out your bandwidth. I for instance find I get about 2.5Mb on a single connection and can max out my 4Mb bandwidth with 2 connections the majority of the time.
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Postby wyant » Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:54 pm

I've seen about 40Mbps on my college connnection, so if your connection can handle it, you should be getting good speeds from them. This is a little slower than I had with UNS(which apparently was located rediculously close to me), but I spend less time rebuilding incompletes.
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