newsbin 5.33 & Crossover 6.0

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newsbin 5.33 & Crossover 6.0

Postby tanishalfelf » Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:25 pm

I have crossover 6.0 installed and have installed newsbin 5.33 under a xp bottle.

Everything goes well. I moved the two dll's over from my xp home edition.

Restart and open newsbin. It opens and in about 5 seconds goes dark gray and then closes.

Every time the same.

Can you help. I really need a good news program and was hoping that this was it.

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Postby DThor » Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:10 pm

Haven't tried it in crossover v6 myself, but I'd be surprised if it didn't work. I would suspect the files you copied before anything else - perhaps they don't jive with crossover?

However, vanilla wine runs Newsbin just fine. Just be sure to run a recent version

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Active X ???

Postby tanishalfelf » Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:14 pm

searching on crossover I found this bellow. So I uninstalled and reinstalled but still I don't see this prompt for an active x script.????

>Message Of The Day which is turned on by default requires an Active X script. >When openning Newsbin for the first time you will be prompted to install this >Active X script. You need to say Yes. Once in the program you can turn MOTD >off under the Utilities drop down. If you are running Newsbin for the first time >and it is closing itself within 3-5 seconds of openning you accidentally said no >to the Active X script. Uninstall and reinstall and it will work (as long as you >say yes this time when you open it for the first time and are prompted for the >Active X).

Would like to get this working..
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Re: Active X ???

Postby rein » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:55 am

tanishalfelf wrote:searching on crossover I found this bellow. So I uninstalled and reinstalled but still I don't see this prompt for an active x script.????

Normally I use the latest wine, but I gave newsbin on crossover 6 a try, on a Debian testing system:

- installed newsbin 5.33 with accepting defaults as much as possible. This resulted in a win2k bottle.
- copied over the MFC42.DLL from a XP-home partition to ~/.cxofficw/Unsupported/drive_c/windows/system32
- started newsbin.

The first time the newsbin window opened it was somewhat hard to spot, squashed agains the left hand side of the screen. After resizing the main window and also the newsbin panes the program seems to display fine. That includes the MOTD screen, except that it needs to be closed with the "X" button. Progress bars don't work/update as in older wine versions.

So no msvcrt70.dll copied and I did not see anything about downloading a script.

Does you crossover installation work for other windows programs?
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Postby Quade » Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:37 pm

5.33's built with VC6 which means it uses MSCVRT.DLL and the MFC42.DLL. I don't believe it requires a newer DLL's than that. I imagine Wine has some kind of dependency viewer that'll show you exactly what kinds of DLL's Newsbin's looking for.
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re installs

Postby tanishalfelf » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:26 pm

I've re installed three times now the second two times I had less success than with the first time. The second time I used a win98 bottle and the third time I used a win 2k bottle. Both came out the same I can see them open in System Monitor but absolutely nothing comes up on screen. And after a few seconds they disappear out of system monitor. At least in the XP newsbin opened and I could see it for a second.

The only other programs I have tried installing is quickpar which works great in win2k and XP and win98.
I have installed Internet explorer in win98 and win2k. It also worked fine. It did not however work in XP.

I've tried two different copies of the dll's one off of my own xp home system and one downloaded off the Internet. Haven't seen any difference.

would someone be willing to post me there dlls so that I can kill that doubt???

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:) :) :)

Postby tanishalfelf » Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:35 am


It lives. Image link not allowed for unregistered users Image link not allowed for unregistered users Image link not allowed for unregistered users Image link not allowed for unregistered users

I had to uninstall crossover and re install it, than I installed newsbin in an XP bottle. Than I went out to my XP home and copied over msvcp60.dll, mfc42.dll and msvcrt.dll.

Message of the day came up also.

Now I'll just see how well it works.

Thanks a million
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Postby rein » Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:36 am

Quade wrote:5.33's built with VC6 which means it uses MSCVRT.DLL and the MFC42.DLL. I don't believe it requires a newer DLL's than that. I imagine Wine has some kind of dependency viewer that'll show you exactly what kinds of DLL's Newsbin's looking for.

Well by using the right type of logging you can get this information. In plain wine you set an environment variable:

export WINEDEBUG=+loaddll

and in crossover, add these options to the command line:

--cx-log - --debugmsg +loaddll

It will show in the terminal all dll's which are loaded and whether they are builtin's of wine or native windows dll's
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Postby Quade » Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:54 am

There's a program available in Window that does that too. I think it's called "Depends".
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