Current Progress column always shows 'None' with 5.3

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Current Progress column always shows 'None' with 5.3

Postby timstewart » Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:44 pm

I have been using newsbin on XP for a year or two and also under Wine on Fedora 4 (fully updated so I do have the latest Wine). I have just upgraded from 5.21 to 5.3 and I have a small problem - when I am downloading either posts or headers in the download tab the graphic in the 'current progress' column just shows 'None'. The coloured bar that normally shows how much of the file has been downloaded is simply not there. I downgraded again just to make sure and it still works under 5.21.

Also if it is worth mentioning, under the connections tab the graphic in the 'progress' column has never auto updated itself with any version like it does under XP. I have to click on another tab and then click back to the connections tab to see a change. The coloured bars do alter when I have clicked back on to the connections tab but just sit there and do nothing as things are downloading. I know newsbin under linux isnt supported as such but it has to be something that has changed with regard to the download tab's current progress column. Apart from these two things I don't seem to have any other Wine related newsbin issues.

It would be nice to have it back working as I rely on the graphic when looking at incomplete posts.


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Postby DThor » Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:41 pm

I have the same symptoms, and it's likely related to the way those things are painted. I tracked it down to a very specific build, but so far there's nothing in Quade's notes that would indicate why changes made for that release could cause this. At this point, we're stumped.

Q is usually quite happy to help track down this sort of stuff and see if a minor tweak or an option(minimize to tray, for example, which kills NB on wine if you change desktops in KDE) makes it run the same on windows and linux, but in this case it's a mystery. He really doesn't have any clues as to why it started happening. It's good to hear someone else is getting this, though, so I know it's not just me. :P Sometime if I catch him on a slow day maybe I can re-ignite his interest in this - it's really cosmetic and doesn't affect the functioning of NB, however. The progress of chunk downloads still works fine.

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Postby timstewart » Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:23 pm

Thanks for that. Can you confirm you see the same behaviour in the connections tab where I see the graphic in the 'progress' column not updating.

I've just installed the latest 32bit XP SP2 with all updates and patches as of August 2006 under VMware Workstation v5.5.2.29772 on the Fedora 4 machine and as I would expect Newsbin behaves itself (no issues I can see as yet). I've set up a host shared folder and set this as the download folder under newbin options. Surprisingly the machine doesn't noticeably slow considering its an XP2200 Athlon @ 1.8ghz with the VMware XP install only having 192meg ram. Admittedly I only have newsbin installed on the XP virtual machine so far.


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Postby DThor » Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:40 pm

Yup, I have both the connections tab and the progress column in the download tab issues, same as you. In fact, I noticed the progress column first, and Dexter suggested looking at the connections since they use a similar codebase. I had completely missed it since I rarely look at the connections colourshow.

I've run vmware too, and yes, things tend to run just fine in there. Sort of cheating, though. ;)

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Postby hohen » Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:41 pm

FWIW: The progress bars came back on 5.33 build 7737 on suse 10.0 and 10.2 using wine 0.9.29-12.1. I was using wine 0.9.17 and no header progress bars.
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Postby DThor » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:15 pm

Yup, thanks I noticed that too. Since Quade was always mystified why they disappeared in the first place, I'm tacking this down to a squashed wine bug.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Postby Quade » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:33 pm

It it works in Windows but, not in Wine then, by definition it's a Wine bug. I'm not sure when "Custom Draw" became available in Windows but, that's probably where the problem is in Wine.
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