Ubuntu 6.10/Wine 0.9.32/NewBin 5.33 Problem

While it isn't officially supported, we have many users who successfully run NewsBin under Linux with a Windows emulator (Wine is the most popular). This forum exists for you Linux guys to share your experience getting NewsBin running on Linux as well as report any strangeness that we may or may not be able to fix. DThor is the resident expert.

Moderators: Quade, dexter, newsraider, DThor

Ubuntu 6.10/Wine 0.9.32/NewBin 5.33 Problem

Postby jugs » Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:20 pm


I have been using NewsBin under wine for some time now, mainly because of its ability to handle large groups properly.

In the last month or so I upgraded my wine to version 0.9.32, and since then when I ran it the top bar with the buttons (under file, etc menus) would start but not cover the entire width of the application. (one can see the terminal output below under the err:rebar regarding this specific issue)

With my new install i re-installed newsbin, and was using it primarily with nzbs. Today I got all headers for a relatively large group (4.3 mill +) posts, and now after I start newsbin I see the intro popup, and then the main window does not load at all. However, the process does not fatally terminate either, it just does not display the program.
Please help!

Terminal Output: wrote:libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b
libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b
fixme:process:GetProcessWorkingSetSize (0xffffffff,0x33fe00,0x33fe04): stub
err:x11drv:X11DRV_CreateWindow invalid window height -2
err:rebar:REBAR_LayoutRow Error layouting row 0 - couldn't shrink for 280 pixels (280 total shrink)
err:rebar:REBAR_LayoutRow Error layouting row 0 - couldn't shrink for 280 pixels (280 total shrink)
fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 3 lpiArray 0x33ef08
fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 5 lpiArray 0x33ef20
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2008 wp=0000 lp=00000000
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2007 wp=0006 lp=00000000
fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 5 lpiArray 0x33ef00
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2008 wp=0000 lp=00000000
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2007 wp=0006 lp=00000000
fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 5 lpiArray 0x33ef00
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2008 wp=0000 lp=00000000
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2007 wp=0006 lp=00000000
fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 5 lpiArray 0x33ef00
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2008 wp=0000 lp=00000000
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2007 wp=0006 lp=00000000
fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 5 lpiArray 0x33ef18
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2008 wp=0000 lp=00000000
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2007 wp=0006 lp=00000000
fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 8 lpiArray 0x33ee50
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2008 wp=0000 lp=00000000
err:header:HEADER_WindowProc unknown msg 2007 wp=0006 lp=00000000
fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 5 lpiArray 0x33eef8
fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 6 lpiArray 0x33ef10
fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 1 lpiArray 0x33ef28
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Postby Quade » Sun Mar 18, 2007 4:00 pm

Delete the "Frame" and "Tabs" field from the "Registry" (whatever wine uses for that). See what happens.
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Postby jugs » Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:47 pm

thanks for your help quade,

I deleted 'Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Frame'
and all entries in it, however i cannot find a Tabs entry.

Tried running it only with the Frame field removed, and the problem persists.

Registry wrote:[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\AutoRARList] 1172158866
"Font"="MS Sans Serif"

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Colors] 1172077141

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\ConnectionList] 1172158866
"Font"="MS Sans Serif"

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\DJI Interprises-Bar0] 1174232022

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\DJI Interprises-Bar1] 1174232022

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\DJI Interprises-Bar2] 1174232022

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\DJI Interprises-Bar3] 1174232022

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\DJI Interprises-Summary] 1172158865

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Download] 1173969035

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Failed Files] 1172158865

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\FilesList] 1172158866
"Font"="MS Sans Serif"

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Frame] 1174232022

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\GROUP_FILTERS] 1173324543

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\GroupDisplay] 1172158865

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\GroupsList] 1172158865
"Font"="MS Sans Serif"

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\LastNBI] 1172077441
"NBIFile"="C:\\windows\\profiles\\jugs\\Application Data\\NewsBin\\NewsBinPro.nbi"

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Paths] 1172174547
"DownloadPath"="c:\\windows\\profiles\\jugs\\My Documents\\NewsBin Download\\Birdman_and_Lil_Wayne-Stuntin_Like_My_Daddy-DVDRip-XviD-2006-UVZ\"

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Posters] 1174232021

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\PostList] 1172174079
"Font"="MS Sans Serif"

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Recent File List] 1174232023
"File1"="C:\\windows\\profiles\\jugs\\Application Data\\NewsBin\\NewsBinPro.nbi"

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\RegNew] 1172077376

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Scratch] 1172178839

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\SearchList] 1172158865
"Font"="MS Sans Serif"

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\ServerDisplay] 1172158865

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\ServersList] 1172158865
"Font"="MS Sans Serif"

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Settings] 1174232022
"InstallDir"="c:\\Program Files\\NewsBin"
"Nag"="Purchasing a key funds continued development of NewsBin! "Click Here to Register" button for information on how to order."

[Software\\DJI Interprises\\Newsbin50\\Status] 1172158866
"Font"="MS Sans Serif"
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