sounds intriguing - anyone care to rate powerusenet for us?

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sounds intriguing - anyone care to rate powerusenet for us?

Postby chotto » Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:20 pm

what's its speed like? is it constant? does the completion live up to its 99% billing? is it true unlimited (no download caps/month)? any problems with it, etc.
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Postby Quade » Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:08 pm

I would describe is as being as reliable as any of the top news servers out there with a 50 day retention which is all I need. Pretty sure unlimited really means unlimited.
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Postby manfredz » Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:56 pm

i decided to sign up last night and test drive them for a month. Four connections maxed out 6 Mps cable. Had no problems re completion in the 16Gb I dl.
If my research is correct, they're one of a group of news-providers under one hat that are giganews-lite resellers.

If next month goes as the start (am assuming there will be an infux of new users putting more strain on their system), I'd say they give very very good bang for the buck.

Unimportant to me, but might be important for others - they don't provide for uploading.
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Unlimited Account

Postby racheysdad » Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:32 pm

Well since my 1 yr prepaid account to Newshosting was up in 5 days, I decided to tryout PowerUsenet. So far so good, the 4 connections maxes out my 5mb connection just like Newshosting did. And I tried a 49 day old posting and it downloaded it just fine. I hope they add a prepaid option, as the savings is just enough for my newzbin account.
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Postby MaTTeR » Mon May 08, 2006 9:10 am

Just signed up myself and cancel my auto renewal of NH. I'll report back after a few days of useage.
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Postby max » Mon May 08, 2006 12:09 pm

MaTTeR wrote:Just signed up myself and cancel my auto renewal of NH. I'll report back after a few days of useage.

Very wise choice!
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Postby MaTTeR » Tue May 09, 2006 5:31 pm

So far it does seem like a wise choice early on :) Downloaded somewhere over 5.1 million headers across 4 large groups and have yet to see an incomplete. The retention appears to be far better than NH. Unfortunately I can't seem to get my connections to max out my pipe though. NH didn't seem to have that problem. It appears that PN is giving me 2.4Mbps while NH would saturate my pipe at around 2.8Mbps.

I'll report back when I have more experience.
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Postby dexter » Wed May 10, 2006 8:40 am

I'm getting 5Mbps with 4 connections going to PowerUsenet. Might want to do a traceroute and see if one of the routers along the line is having longer delays than average.
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Postby manfredz » Wed May 10, 2006 12:27 pm

i'm using both newshosting and powerusenet. Havent noticed any real difference in completion of posts less than 30 days old; but once you get over 30 days to 50 days, powerusenet is better.
Both max out my 5Mps pipe with 4 connections running - initially when i startedusing powerusenet, I toggled back between the two to see if one has better speed than the other but didn't notice any real difference.
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Postby MaTTeR » Thu May 11, 2006 5:18 am were spot on Dexter!

TraceRoute to []
Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name
1 0 0 0
2 1 0 0
3 1 1 1 -
4 1 1 1
5 6 6 6
6 188 205 206
7 31 31 39
8 32 32 32
9 39 39 39
10 38 39 38
11 38 38 42
12 38 38 38
13 39 41 38 -
14 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
15 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
16 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
17 Timed out Timed out Timed out -

Trace aborted.

I'm surprised I'm getting anything downloaded at all. Sheesh, so it seems some router has been down over a few days between me and PowerUsenet. Amazing.
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Postby Quade » Thu May 11, 2006 10:41 am

I actually think that simply means they have a router that's not passing trace-routes not that it's down.

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 27 ms 26 ms 27 ms <bla>
3 27 ms 27 ms 27 ms <bla>
4 28 ms 66 ms 28 ms <bla>
5 31 ms 30 ms 31 ms <bla>
6 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms []
7 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms []
8 32 ms 31 ms 31 ms []
9 33 ms 33 ms 32 ms
10 * ^C
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Postby chotto » Thu May 11, 2006 5:16 pm

I heard that powerusenet doesn't allow unlimited useage, although they didn't specify exactly how much is considered abuse. well, if anyone's willing to download a ton from them, let's see what they say. Image link not allowed for unregistered users
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Postby Quade » Thu May 11, 2006 5:17 pm

Heard from whom?
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Postby MaTTeR » Thu May 11, 2006 7:18 pm

Maybe someone should look up the definition of 'unlimited'. Trust me, if they cap you'll hear from me soon. I have Gigs upon Gigs in the queue :lol:
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Postby Angelus » Thu May 11, 2006 8:41 pm

Since there News server is actually a Giganews server I take that to mean there's no point in having both a Power Usenet account & Giganews account unless you want the extra retention Provided by Giganews

The completion would be the same From PU and Giga correct?

On a side note whats the fastest anyone has gotten and sustained from PU's 4 connections unlimited plan?
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Postby manfredz » Fri May 12, 2006 10:10 am

even with 3 connections i've had them max out my 6Mps pipe.
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Postby chotto » Sun May 14, 2006 10:51 am

Quade wrote:Heard from whom?

from powerusenet.
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Postby Kenrin » Wed May 31, 2006 11:54 pm

i did 700 gigs with them last month, from what i've heard about giganews they cap you after about 250 gigs, Powerusenet for the win
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Postby Quade » Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:08 am

Giganews doesn't have a cap. You far more likely to be capped by your ISP than by Gnews.
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Postby MCfreiz » Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:47 pm

i've been using power usenet for less that a week but everything seems good to me.
15/2 verizon fios pipe - 2 connections comes close but it takes 3 to max it out.
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Postby niu-niu » Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:43 am

So I finally got an account from Powerusenet (I've been using Newshosting as my unlimited server). I figure this is the best place to review it.

In terms of speed, it seems to me that Newshosting is a little faster than Powerusenet when they are both working well, but Powerusenet is more consistent. For me, Power gets up to about 4Mbps and stays there. Newshosting will get up to 5Mbps but sometimes slows down to 2-3.

I've noticed that Powerusenet seems to have a really long timeout for each connection. Sometimes my computer crashes, and I have to wait a few minutes before I can start downloading again.

So overall it's a good service and worth the money.
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Postby Quade » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:09 am

Your computer crashes? Don't hear that much any more.
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Postby Streetwolf » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:18 am

OK... so will PU (what an acronym btw :lol: ) max out my 30mbps connection with the $14.95 package (4 connections)?

I can max out with 4 connections on NH most of the time.
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Postby niu-niu » Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:11 pm

Quade wrote:Your computer crashes? Don't hear that much any more.

It's a hardware issue... haven't had the inclination to build a new computer lately, so I'm just living with it.
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Postby Bob Johnson » Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:25 am

You guys need to read the other post about powerusenet. It looks like they aren't doing very well. I am having a lot of the same problems that they are.
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Postby Quade » Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:58 am

There was an outage earlier today according to Dex. I didn't see it at all. My shit just kept running. He's on Comcast. Couldn't get to the servers from his house or from his web server. I had no such problem.

I think it looks like a routing problem or Comcast is experimenting with filtering out news servers.
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Postby adamlau » Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:40 pm and both load balance between two alternating IP addresses in the Los Angeles region to Fifteen hops before packets are dropped and timed out from where I am located. I will have to seriously consider the services of Power Usenet as they are indeed using Giganews servers.
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Postby richy99 » Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:53 pm

well yes we know they use giganews. whats your issue?
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Postby Foolish » Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:15 pm

Quade wrote:Giganews doesn't have a cap. You far more likely to be capped by your ISP than by Gnews.

Giganews does have some kind of cap. I'm not sure exactly what the number is, but after DL ~300GB in a few days (Thanks to the ridiculous retention) I recived a email saying they were canceling my service calling me a "Unlimited Abuser".

So, I picked up NewsHosting and haven't had many issues with them.
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Postby Quade » Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:47 am

When exactly did this take place?
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Postby Foolish » Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:28 am

Looking back at my NH records it appears to have happened in April of 2005.

As I recall, I signed up with GN and saw all kind of goodies since I was upgrading from my ISP's News service with only like 8days retention so I qued up a ton of stuff. A week or 2 later I noticed my speed was way down, and sent an email to GN, with the response I mentioned.

I'm not saying that I wasn't abusing the service but, at least a warning would have been nice before they kicked me off.

On the plus side they did refund my 1 month fee.
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Postby adamlau » Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:46 am

Excerpted from a Power Usenet Support email dated 2006-10-14...
It appears that Power Usenet does not support auto-recycling of accounts:

"Thank you for your interest in Power Usenet at this time we do not offer an auto-recycle program".
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Postby skoolrumble » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:56 pm

seems like no one's posted any recent info on PU, especially regarding how the retention increase has gone.

I'd like to switch from newshosting, since their service is now sucking.

can PU max out my 5mb connection consistently (from a major North American city)? can I use nzb files to retrieve from up to 75 days even if I'm on their 55 day retention plan?
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Postby Angelus » Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:15 pm

I have used Power Usenet for a while now & they seem to be the best I've seen for the price. I have no problem maxing out my 5meg pipe Only difference I've seen is Giga has more retention.

But how often does anyone need to go back further then 50 days?

and I doubt very much that you can break the 50 day retention and go use the 75 day retention with .nzb... if that was true why would anyone pay the extra 5 bucks
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Postby skoolrumble » Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:52 pm

Angelus wrote:I have used Power Usenet for a while now & they seem to be the best I've seen for the price. I have no problem maxing out my 5meg pipe Only difference I've seen is Giga has more retention.

But how often does anyone need to go back further then 50 days?

and I doubt very much that you can break the 50 day retention and go use the 75 day retention with .nzb... if that was true why would anyone pay the extra 5 bucks

I guess you've never used NH, so I can't ask you to compare the two services. NH does allow the use of nzb files to go beyond the lower tier retention. and I guess you've never experimented with using an nzb file to go beyond 50 days?
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Postby Angelus » Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:51 pm

skoolrumble wrote:
Angelus wrote:I have used Power Usenet for a while now & they seem to be the best I've seen for the price. I have no problem maxing out my 5meg pipe Only difference I've seen is Giga has more retention.

But how often does anyone need to go back further then 50 days?

and I doubt very much that you can break the 50 day retention and go use the 75 day retention with .nzb... if that was true why would anyone pay the extra 5 bucks

I guess you've never used NH, so I can't ask you to compare the two services. NH does allow the use of nzb files to go beyond the lower tier retention. and I guess you've never experimented with using an nzb file to go beyond 50 days?

Ok Yes your right you can use.nzb & Newshosting to go over there
retention limit

I did use them for 3 years before dropping them for PowerUsenet I don't believe you can use .nzb to go to 75 days with PU and I still use Newshosting cause my ISP now gets there news feed from them

and when I pick an NZB thats older then 55 days with both my isp server and Power Usenet active it comes from Newshosting completely
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Postby macintod » Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:39 am

I've been using Powerusenet for almost a year and they totally rock. It will almost max out my 6Mbps cable with 3 connections, but I usually leave it at 4 slots to totally saturate it. I haven't tried making any .nzbs for stuff over 55 days cuz I usually skim through all my groups every 2 or 3 days anyways so there's no need.

I'm totally pleased with their service and can recommend them. Only had technical problems once or twice and it cleared up within an hour if I remember correctly. $14.95/mo for the unlimited 4 download slot package is right on mark cost wise I think. They're a Giganews reseller so it's basically Giganews, but cheaper.
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Postby kalone » Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:41 am

You can run the Giganews speed traceroute to give you some idea. I cannot use PU due to the fact my ISP Insightbb uses GN as their news provider, and they mess with the DNS. The DNS must translate to the same as Before Insightbb did this I had excellent results with PU. Since GN has the Europe server I can use that and max out my 10/1 connection. So... ISP can be a problem.
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Postby Quade » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:34 am

You can use a "host" entry on your PC to assign an address to an IP so, you can over-ride the normal DNS.
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Postby kalone » Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:41 pm

Sorry, you are alot more advanced than I, how do you use host? I went through several support messages with PU and they said they could not help Insightbb had them restricted to 2m or less.
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Postby itimpi » Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:07 pm

Quade is refering to the fact that if you set up entries under <WINDOWS_DIR>\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts (it is a text file) then these take priority over looking up the address via DNS.
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Postby kalone » Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:53 am

itimpi wrote:Quade is refering to the fact that if you set up entries under <WINDOWS_DIR>\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts (it is a text file) then these take priority over looking up the address via DNS.

Thanks, I tried it but no luck!
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Postby ItsMe » Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:09 am

Keeps getting better and better $14.95 a month plan unlimited (haven't had my hand slapped yet by them) 6 connections just upped from 4 4 was able to max out my 8 MBps line, and retention has gone up to 105 days with no issues on old files.

Same as I rated them before :lol: 2 thumbs up
and they now offer secure connection on their 19.95 a month plan
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Postby jj666 » Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:24 pm

Bumping this one. On my 20mb VDSL line (which is reality is about 12mb due to distance from exchange), can download at a solid 1.5mb/sec using 12 connections since the last few months. Done several terabytes of downloading, no complaints from PU. No issues with downtime or customer service.

Overall a very worthwile provider, offering exactly what they state on their webpage.

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Postby siskoray » Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:20 pm

I know this is a bit off topic, but I thought I'd chime in case anyone was interested.

I've used Giganews for a while now and do date I've been very satisfied, mainly since I upgraded to the Unlimited Dls which sets you back $25/mo unless you want SSL which is $30/mo. Pretty steep compared to the monthly fees mentioned in here though.

I do get 20 connections and my speeds have been in excess of 14Mbs+ so not too shabby. They do mention that they have 240 day retention but I haven't really tested that yet.

Peace out.
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Postby bodean » Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:44 pm

Used giganews for 2 years. Just switched. Couldn't be happier, plus you're saving money. Speeds are the same!

Great Speeds, Great price...can't go wrong.
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Postby bodean » Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:06 pm

been happy with it for the last 8 months. Switched from the overpriced giganews.
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