Newsbin on Linux

While it isn't officially supported, we have many users who successfully run NewsBin under Linux with a Windows emulator (Wine is the most popular). This forum exists for you Linux guys to share your experience getting NewsBin running on Linux as well as report any strangeness that we may or may not be able to fix. DThor is the resident expert.

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Newsbin on Linux

Postby DThor » Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:11 pm

Linux geeks! Post! Any questions about running Newsbin on Linux, let it out. Also, if you have a report of particular distros you do or don't run Newsbin on, spit it out! AFAIK, pretty well any current release with an up-to-date version of wine should run it fine, but throw in your two cents worth if you know otherwise. Share the knowledge!

Just to be clear, this isn't intended to be some sort of Linux advocacy forum, nor is it the place to engage in endless OS-wars. It's for helping out Linux users that want to run the best usenet binary downloader on their favourite OS!

In the meantime, a mini-FAQ:

How do I run Newsbin on Linux?

There's a number of ways:

1. wine, free with every distro of Linux.

2. Crossover, which is a corporate sponsor of the wine folks, who offer a slightly more enhanced wine experience for relatively low cost.

3. VMWare, which is a fully-featured virtual machine that lets you run multiple OS's literally in windows on your desktop. This is beginning to cost some serious coin, however, so it's really more for the serious Linux/Windows user.

There are others, I'll add to this list as people hit me in the head and remind me.

Which one should I use?

There are advantages and disadvantages to all the entries on this list, and as a rule of thumb, you get what you pay for. Crossover tends to give you a better behaving environment than stock wine, while VMWare really sings. It should: it's literally running a cut of Windows in a window on your Linux desktop. It's also using substantially more system resources, and it costs real money.

So, as the "resident expert" :roll: , what do I use? Good old wine. There are some display issues with the latest release of NB + wine, and a few other abilities such as saving font settings don't seem to be compatible at present, but for the most part, Newsbin + wine lets you download headers, peruse them, grab files, use nzb's...the vast majority of what you use Newsbin for on Windows.

Do I have to buy another Newsbin license to run it on both Linux and Windows?

The Newsbin guys are very generous with their software license. Not only do they give you free upgrades for new major versions, but they allow you to run three instances of Newsbin, to allow for the fact that some people might want to run it at home, school and on a laptop, for example. Installing Newsbin on Linux is just considered one of these three installs. Note this is for your personal use only, it's not intended to be shared with your best friend or siblings.

How do I install Newsbin in wine or Crossover?

Run the installer with wine as you normally would any Windows application, i.e.

wine nbinstaller.exe

You should be taken through the usual steps, and when finished you should have Newsbin in the directory you put it in your wine setup, typically:

$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Newsbin

There are two files you will need in order to run Newsbin. You should be able to copy them from any standard, up-to-date Windows installation. They are:


and you'll need to copy them into your


directory. You should be able to start nbpro.exe with wine now and Newsbin should run.

It is possible to download those dll's from the web, however be careful that you get a recent version of msvcp60.dll particularly. If you don't, this may cause problems that will be evident on running Newsbin(e.g. lockups, crashes). Best solution is to grab them from a current Windows installation. It's possible in the near future Newsbin may host those files, after some investigation over legalities is completed.

How do I install Newsbin in VMWare?

Since this is a full install of Windows, just download through that session directly from and install as you normally would in Windows.

My display doesn't always refresh properly! What gives?

These are some of the things you put up with in wine. Sometimes, just flipping to another desktop and back gives it a kick and the download rate bar will start to refresh after that(as a typical example). In VMWare, of course, you get no such problems.

Newsbin won't save my custom font settings, column widths, and other stuff I can set on Windows. Why?

Sometimes, especially for people like me that test beta versions :P, things change in the way Newsbin stores it's information. What may be happening here is that Newsbin is pointing to an incorrect location for it's config files. Ensure that the DATA location in the Configuration is correct - by default this will be

$HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/user/Application Data/Newsbin

where "user" is your linux user account, by default. You should be able to go into this directory, wherever you set it, and see various db3 files that get updated whenever you change anything in Newsbin, the Spool and Chunk directories, etc. When you're using the Newsbin browser, it's usually a good idea to remain within the paradigm of windows paths - i.e. you are allowed to reference files through wine by using paths like $HOME, or to locations outside of the .wine path. While in theory that's OK, it's more likely this may cause problems like this down the road. Try using "My Computer", then a drive like C:\ and so on, if possible.

I downloaded this "linux distro thing" and I don't know what an iso is, nor have I used Linux and I don't understand what you mean by $HOME. Can you help me install it?

Sorry, Charlie. Too much on my plate. By all means if you're stuck and you can't get something to work, please post here and troll for answers, that's why it's here. It's assumed, however, that you have a basic working knowledge of the OS, just as you would expect in the other forums for Windows. I'm all for getting people to try Linux out, but there are better places for that. I am in no way trying to dissuade people from asking something they might think is a stupid question. Ask away - you won't get your head taken off! However, if it strays into an area that will involve pages of instructions, odds are you should do a little reading elsewhere first. Most distros nowadays come with some pretty good beginner docs. My personal favourite, SUSE, has the best docs in the biz. I've heard good things about Ubuntu as well.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Postby jugs » Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:59 pm

Thanks for the post, was very useful.
I kept using internet dll's and it would never run, copied over the dll's from my windows box and it worked fine.

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Postby newsraider » Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:34 pm

that was also my problem when i 1st started out.
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Postby wiredog » Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:13 am

and dont use DLL's from vista, they wont work.
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Adding Newsbin 4.3 with Crossover Linux

Postby rsmits » Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:33 pm

I actually use the gui to install Newsbin...clicl on the KDE menustart Button, click on Crossover, Click on install new Windows software and away you go.

Has anyone got later versions of Newsbin working?
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Postby DThor » Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:44 pm

Sure, I'm using the latest here. Crossover is fine, but with each flavour of wine, you introduce subtle issues. AFAIK you still need a couple of dlls with the latest, but perhaps Dex or Quade might straighten me out on this. I know at one point the installer tried to inject the dlls, but I seem to recall that got nixed.

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Postby Quade » Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:23 pm

Newsbin is static linked now (5.35) so the only DLL you need is the language.dll. You should have the latest version of the windows common control libraries of course. That should come with wine thoough.
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Postby newsraider » Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:12 am

yep works fine without the dlls now :D

its just as easy rsmits to install newsbin with wine. after you have wine installed just right click and open with wine and the newsbin installer will start and then it will create a shortcut to newsbin on the desktop and the menu. im using ubuntu 7.04
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newsbin 535 under wine and ubuntu 7.04

Postby tn6L5CkU » Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:19 pm

Image link not allowed for unregistered users Hello everyone,
I installed ubuntu on a test machine this afternoon then wine then newsbin and frankly i'm puzzled. this combination on this machine seems too unstable to use. e.g. the add groups window would crash frequently causing a forced quit of newsbin and of course nothing is saved... anyone have any suggestions
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Postby newsraider » Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:59 pm

you know i have heard this before and have come across this on a friends pc also. for me never had a problem. i always feel it has something to do with the video driver not installed right or not installed at all. have you got the restricted driver enabled? using latest version of wine? got any other programs running in wine that are having problems?
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Postby tn6L5CkU » Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:04 pm

Thanks for your reply newsraider. I intend to wipe the drive and start over from scratch tomorrow. I'll post the results. Wine seems to install differently with every attempt. Once I found it under picasa!?
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Postby newsraider » Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:22 pm

picasa actually uses wine to run on linux from what i have heard. never used it before myself.
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Postby tn6L5CkU » Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:27 pm

Well ubuntu was a bust today. I installed 7.10 and 7.04 twice, four installation s in all. None of these attempts succeeded in establishing a wired network connection. The degree of success varied, but the result was the same. So let's do a little math; if I include the original installation, that makes five attempts to install ubuntu, with one success, or a 20% success rate. Discouraging.
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Postby Quade » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:03 pm

You must have some weird assed hardware. I haven't had to mess with ethernet drivers in years.
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Postby DThor » Sat Nov 10, 2007 10:13 am

One particularly weird bit of hardware can lead to "linux sucks" in a New York minute. When I say "weird", I mean unlike 90% of the hardware out there. If you try to install something as straightforward as Ubuntu or Suse and you find you're having to reinstall *five* times, well, something's wrong. As a rule, you shouldn't need to keep re-installing and wasting your time. If it doesn't take, either your hardware's not compatible, or you're mistaking a mis-configured NIC for a bad install. My bet is the install is a perfectly good one - either the hardware is rare/really old/new or it can be fixed by a NIC reconfigure(not requiring a reinstall). You could pop in a cheapo new NIC, it would detect it, you configure...happiness.

Don't spend time digging around things like picasa - yes like a few apps "ported" from windows use a wine wrapper, but getting what you're after couldn't possibly be simpler. Search for "wine". Don't get distracted by every possible hidey-hole that a wine package could be distributed with. Essentially don't over-complicate things.

Despite Ubuntu and others selling themselves as a "simple desktop solution", desktop is really hard to do well if the hardware doesn't match up with their target market. I've found Ubuntu takes a nose dive to hell in terms of geeky hackiness the moment you step outside their range of common hardware. Once that starts to happen, especially with something as mundane as enet cards, just pop in a new cheapo one and move is too short.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Postby tn6L5CkU » Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:11 pm

Thanks guys for your replies. The nic in question is a netgear ga 311. It installed properly the first time, was once identified properly with lspci; but only worked with that first install of 7.04. But I haven't given up. And I haven't felt so challenged since win95. (btw, teaching myself how to fix a faulty installation would take longer than reinstalling, trust me.) A net connection, out of the box, with every installation seems to me a minimum standard.
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Postby newsraider » Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:50 am

i would just try another card. they are so dirt cheap. i've never had a problem with a nic card in ubuntu. installed on over 20 computers and picked up everytime no problem.
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Postby DThor » Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:22 am

btw, teaching myself how to fix a faulty installation would take longer than reinstalling, trust me.

You misunderstand me. I'm saying your install is *not* faulty. People coming from windows have a very fragile sense of their OS - oh, the registry is screwed, it's faulty. The Creative drivers have overwritten the NVidia drivers and now my mouseball has a frame rate overlay in MS goes on forever. When we get new IT staff that come from windows, they constantly keep rebooting linux systems trying to repair them. Everything is a reliable service in Linux, you can reconfig a NIC, restart the network service - all is good - no rebooting, no 'bad install' fixing. I'm suggesting you fiddle with the network config interface rather than spending 45 minutes each doing another install, that's all. You're spinning your wheels.

Lookee here:

looks like someone had similar problems as you. I'd just replace the NIC if you really want to have ubuntu simply work with it. My guess is you could get it working if you used google more and kept digging, but I completely understand if you've got better things to do. Just don't keep reinstalling! :P Or, try SUSE(which works better with more hardware IMHO).

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Postby Quade » Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:13 pm

Yeah, that's a very good way to put it.

I have this machine here with a hardware raid and it was the same situation. Problems with installing and subsequent reboot. The whole issue came down to building a kernel with the drivers in it instead of using modules. From the boot CD I could "chroot" into the install hard disk and then built and installed a kernel from the non-bootable hard disk which then let it boot.

In windows it's, you have the drivers now or you're toast.
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Postby tn6L5CkU » Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:39 pm

Hello everyone,
Thanks Quade and DThor for your post.
I will try other hardware; but swapping out hardware until you find a workable combination seems less than ideal, and building a custom kernel sounds like a great idea, but is beyond my competence now and most new to linux, I suspect. Perhaps Ubuntu is just the next in the succession of "great white hope" distros.
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Postby Quade » Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:45 pm

When you boot ubuntu does it use your ethernet card (when the boot CD loads). If that's the case then you really just need to figure out what driver you need and load it when the system boots. That's how I knew there was support for the hardware raid card, the boot CD saw and used it. It was only on reboot when it turned out the kernel the installer installed didn't have built in support for the hardware.
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Postby tn6L5CkU » Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:24 pm

Success! I removed the netgear nic and used the onboard cicada chip which had been disabled in bios. Everything seems to be working as it should. I installed wine from the SPM rather than add/remove and that seems ok. Newsbin installed well enough, but remains a bit flaky. I'll have to work on it.
I'll post questions as they arise, but right now I'm very encouraged.
Thanks for all the help.
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Postby kybo » Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:35 am

I am using newsbin with wine since fedora 4, never problems working very good, no crash no freez but yesterday i installed fedora 8 and not possible to run correctly newsbin, always crash !!!
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Postby recycler » Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:19 pm

kybo wrote:I am using newsbin with wine since fedora 4, never problems working very good, no crash no freez but yesterday i installed fedora 8 and not possible to run correctly newsbin, always crash !!!

Then stick with fedora 4 :) I tried...once... to install mandriva, when it started the boot up etc I couldnt figure out how to login and gave up after a few minutes
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does not get past motd

Postby Jean » Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:05 pm

I'm trying to install the latest non beta with wine on ubuntu 7.10 but it does not get past the motd stage. That window hangs, like it cannot connect. So I can't enter my registration data, only kill it.
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Postby Fedora_Guy » Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:56 pm

It's my first post here :D I've been using Newsbin for a while on my Windows box, and recently upgraded from the Giga version to Pro. Generally I use NZB or Ninan in Fedora/CentOS so I haven't got any experience of running Newsbin under Wine et al.

I'm actually posting just to point out that VMWare server is still fully featured and completely free of charge! The OP and a subsequent reply refer to VMWare costing some serious money, but that's not entirely true :D

Plus, of course, there are other alternatives also including Innotek VirtualBox, Xen, etc. Worth a look for those who haven't already seen what they can do!
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Postby richy99 » Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:20 am

i was suprised by how easy it was to get newsbin running under wine on ubuntu (yes DT i put ubuntu on) even running thru a VM session, looks a little ugly but i can deal with that
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Postby DThor » Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:11 pm

I haven't posted in this thread for quite some time, but thought I should mention that, for the most part, any modern releases of Linux provides a version of wine that runs Newsbin 'out of the box'. This is as of Oct/2009 and Newsbin v5.54. Recently I've been running wine 1.1.9, but I know I've been running versions previous to that without troubles. The muddling about with dll's shouldn't be necessary.

If you're having difficultly downloading, just as with the Windows version, check things like firewalls and the Logging tab in Newsbin.

Just a friendly reminder that Dexter, Quade and crew don't officially support Linux, but feel free to post questions.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Postby Quade » Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:17 pm

Yeah, we LIKE that it works under Linux but, neither Dex nor I test under Linux.
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Postby newsraider » Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:44 am

yeah it works great.
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Postby evenings » Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:40 am

Running 5.54 Build 9644 with Wine on openSuse 11.2 on my old Dell XPS laptop. So far so good.
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Postby Rjones » Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:33 am

Never could get Newsbin 5.54 stable running Ubuntu 9.04 with Wine 1.1.35
But works excellent on VirtualBox running Win2000 SP 4
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Postby newsraider » Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:28 pm

Rjones wrote:Never could get Newsbin 5.54 stable running Ubuntu 9.04 with Wine 1.1.35
But works excellent on VirtualBox running Win2000 SP 4

try wine 1.0.1
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Postby Rjones » Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:32 pm

newsraider wrote:
Rjones wrote:Never could get Newsbin 5.54 stable running Ubuntu 9.04 with Wine 1.1.35
But works excellent on VirtualBox running Win2000 SP 4

try wine 1.0.1

I have other apps that do not like 1.0.1
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Postby DThor » Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:35 pm

That's one of the hassles with wine, unfortunately - it *does* get upgraded frequently, but I've found just as many things bust as get fixed.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Postby jacob733 » Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:23 am

That's one of the hassles with wine, unfortunately - it *does* get upgraded frequently, but I've found just as many things bust as get fixed.

That's why Ubuntu keeps the "stable" and "unstable" versions. Newsbin does work out of the box on the stable 1.0.1 version, but other apps may require a newer version of wine. Hopefully one day, we may get one version that supports all :D
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Postby ph75 » Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:54 pm

It works !
Linux Mandriva 2010.0 x86_64
Wine 1.1.32 (32 bits)
Newsbin 5.55b9762 (32 bits)
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby AWEV » Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:21 pm

Running Ubuntu/Kubuntu 10.10 64AMD with Wine 1.2 and Newsbin 5.59 It does crash more than in a native Windoze OS environment. A program called Q4Wine allows you to run different versions of Wine, and different configurations of the same version. Might be a nice tool for some people.

How Linux has improved since I first tested it out back in 1995 or so. Back then I could not be assured that I could install it at all, and the auto-configure/auto-hardware detection was very iffy. Now I have something a whole lot better than Windoze, able to keep a number of programs open at the same time, and don't have to worry about my system freezing like it does in my WinXP x64 installation (same computer, different partition). If you have an exotic piece of hardware it does help to have the drivers before installing, and not all printers, or All-in-One units, work with Linux right out of the box.
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby gunzart » Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:03 pm

I running Newsbin Pro 6 with Wine 1.2 under Debian stable with the Gems kernel and all seems to be going well so far Image link not allowed for unregistered users
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby nikkil » Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:36 pm

Has anybody succesully installed this in a Centos environment already? I wanted to make sure that this is possible. I would not want to invest time in researching for the steps if no one ever did this yet. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby chroma601 » Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:27 pm

I;ve been flirting with Linux for a while, and recently made the plunge to Mint Cinnamon 15. As a total Linux noob, I struggled (and succeeded) with getting my old laptop's wifi to work. But I'm liking what I'm seeing.

Once I figure out how to get wine running (install's been hanging up) Newsbin would be my first install. In the opening article, two DLLs are required: msvcp60.dll and mfc42.dll .

My question: I have 32 bit Linux on the laptop, and my Windows machine and Newsbin software are 64 bit. Will the DLLs from the Windows machine be OK on the Linux?

Thanks for your time!
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby dexter » Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:41 pm

If you run the installer under wine, it should detect 32 bit and install the proper files. If it says you need msvcp60.dll and mfc42.dll you'll need to find the 32 bit versions. 64 bit won't work.
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby chroma601 » Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:21 pm

Thanks for the info!

Got wine installed.
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby newsraider » Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:57 pm

we should probably update this sticky for new users. many things have changed.
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby Quade » Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:39 am

Yeah. I just fixed a problem with Newsbin not unraring in Linux. The thing where you had to use a different unrar path for it to work. It works surprisingly well. I was getting the same download speeds under Linux as under windows.
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby jacob733 » Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:32 pm

Quade wrote:Yeah. I just fixed a problem with Newsbin not unraring in Linux. The thing where you had to use a different unrar path for it to work. It works surprisingly well. I was getting the same download speeds under Linux as under windows.

Yes, performance under Linux has been pretty great for the most part. On the other hand, any performance issues stopped to be important when I installed SSD...

The thing that seems to be lacking is initial header import. Downloading a number of groups with a few billion headers in total goes relatively fast on the download part, but after that there is about 100GB in the import folder that needs to be processed, which seems to be single-threaded even for multiple groups. This is a bit faster on Windows than Linux, but Windows is pretty slow as well. Not sure how much can be done about this though, it is a lot of data that must be processed.
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby Quade » Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:32 pm

I could multi-thread it but the processing is intensive enough even for a single thread to slow the PC. If you have 100g in disk, that means Newsbin actually has to process through close to 1 TB worth of headers. Even on our search server which pretty heavy duty, that would probably take a week and it does it with multiple processes.
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby jacob733 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:00 pm

Quade wrote:I could multi-thread it but the processing is intensive enough even for a single thread to slow the PC. If you have 100g in disk, that means Newsbin actually has to process through close to 1 TB worth of headers. Even on our search server which pretty heavy duty, that would probably take a week and it does it with multiple processes.

Multithreading would definitely help, as long as the task scales to more threads. If I look at my performance monitor I can see that a single CPU core is fully loaded, but disk activity is almost idle (reading and writing 1-2MB/s is pretty close to idle for most SSDs).

It seems my 100GB in import might be slightly different from what you base your estimates on BTW. My laptop has processed a bit over 60GB since friday, so I am down to about 35GB in import.

Edit: My PC is not slowed down by this import at all. But I guess it would be another matter if it only had HDD, not SSD. Seems like a multithreading feature might need to be configurable.
Last edited by jacob733 on Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby Quade » Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:40 pm

I think you're missing my point. Yes I could make it faster at the expensive of another core. I don't think people would be happy about their PC's running significantly slower just to process headers. Downloading headers is a one time thing for most people. Once you get over the initial hump, you should seldom if ever need to download them all again. Even changing servers doesn't invalidate the existing headers. They'll work on any server.

so I am down to about 35GB in import.

It depends on a number of factors. For example an SSD would make it faster. It also depends on the group. Some groups process slower than others. Large file groups should be the fastest because Newsbin can compact 1000's of posts into a singe database entry. Smaller file groups, it requires many more writes to the DB. Picture groups are particularly slow because it's often one write to the DB per post.
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Re: Newsbin on Linux

Postby newsraider » Mon Jan 04, 2016 1:52 pm

Quade wrote:Yeah. I just fixed a problem with Newsbin not unraring in Linux. The thing where you had to use a different unrar path for it to work. It works surprisingly well. I was getting the same download speeds under Linux as under windows.

oh nice! thanks for the Linux Love :lol: :D been dealing with that for a long time. wasnt a big deal but nice to have that fixed. ive never had issues with download speeds under linux always been great on my side. runs like a champ! 8)

hopefully can encourage some linux users to use newsbin.
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