newsbin on ubuntu

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newsbin on ubuntu

Postby Jean » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:08 am

I'm trying to install the latest non beta with wine on ubuntu 7.10 but it does not get past the motd stage. That window hangs, like it cannot connect. So I can't enter my registration data, only kill it.

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Postby itimpi » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:50 am

That window is trying to use the Internet Explorer engine to try and get the MOTD. I suspect that means that there is some DLL you need to support this.
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Postby Jean » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:14 am

You don't know which dll by chance? I have ie4linux setup too and I copied all dll's from there into the newsbin map, same symptom.
Any way I can circumvent the check? Once I get my reginfo in I can get rid of the window.
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Postby itimpi » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:26 am

There is probably an entry of the form:


in your Newsbin configuration file. I am guessing that setting this to 0 will stop the MOTD displaying.
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Postby Jean » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:12 am

I have put ShowMotd=0 all over the nbi file but no go.

Back when I was using newsbin freqeuently though you could only disable mtod after you entered your reg info, it wasn't something in a nbi.

Other suggestions besides forget it?
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Postby DThor » Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:11 pm

Take a hunt, if you haven't already, through the Linux section. I seem to recall an Ubuntu user got it working just fine. You're correct, I think you need motd there at least until you register.

Didn't help? Getting IE running on ubuntu with wine is a very popular topic, and you mention you couldn't get that working? If you get IE working in the same wine install, it should cover this. You won't need to copy anything over, it will be installed.

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Postby Jean » Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:51 pm

Thanks Dthor, but I read just about all there is to read on the forum about newsbin and linux :)
And I'v got ie4 linux working fine.
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Postby DThor » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:34 pm

I'm not sure, then. I do know that NB needs the right dlls which don't come with wine(I believe they're still msvcp60.dll, mfc42.dll, although its been a while!) and you need to snag those from a windows distro.

It's possible the MOTD is a red herring and you just need those files. Don't use the freely distributed versions from wine sites - you need a legit one from a windows install. I run it on SUSE and have never had trouble.

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Postby Jean » Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:01 am


I just tried the files from my working windows xp, no go.

Too bad.
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Postby unifragger » Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:41 pm

I'm using 7.10 with the latest beta right now. I have had the same symptoms that you describe before (a year or so ago). I can't recall if I had to wipe out my ~/.wine dir or if it was just the newsbin specific directories and start fresh. I just checked my winecfg, and I dont have any special settings for newsbin.
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Postby Jean » Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:37 am


You wiped out the whole .wine and installed it again and after that you could get past the motd? Hm.

I just did a fresh install. Same thing.
Don't feel like wiping out entire .wine just for newsbin yet.
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Postby DThor » Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:57 am

Just rename it. It will recreate a new one. When you're done, you can always delete the new one and rename the old one back - works fine and do it all the time. Fastest 'windows' install in the world...

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Postby Jean » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:01 pm

Thanks for the help.

Just tried with a rename. Wine says, this program wants to display html page and if I want to install gecko. I let it do that and then same situation, just hangs at the motd.
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Postby Jean » Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:17 am

Ok I managed to get through with an eval of crossover.

Now I get these errors on all servers if I try to download headers:

Unable to find Host None Error Code: 11001:234

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Postby itimpi » Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:30 am

Sounds as if it is one of the following:
- You have not set up the Server Address fields in Newsbin under Server properties? This sounds the most likely since it is talking about "None" as the server it cannot find.
- You do not have network connectivity working from Ubuntu
- You have a firewall blocking Newsbin.
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Postby Jean » Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:36 am

itimpi wrote:Sounds as if it is one of the following:
- You have not set up the Server Address fields in Newsbin under Server properties? This sounds the most likely since it is talking about "None" as the server it cannot find.

Grin that is because I googled for that error and pasted that text from that google page. My original errors had my servernames in them.
- You do not have network connectivity working from

Sure I have, other nntp thingies work fine.
- You have a firewall blocking Newsbin.

Yes it gives me that impression too. But I don't have one running, neither in ubuntu nor anything I can see in crossover.

Shrug, then it's back to SABnzbd.
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Postby richy99 » Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:59 am

wouldnt it have been better to paste your error message not something you found in google?
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Postby Quade » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:25 am

Unable to find Host None Error Code: 11001:234

This one's easy. You have the server name set but, the address is set to none. Go into the server options, select this server and enter "" into the address field.
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Postby Jean » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:46 am

Quade wrote:This one's easy. You have the server name set but, the address is set to none. Go into the server options, select this server and enter "" into the address field.

Yep, I entered the name allright but overlooked the adress. Excuse: Very small fonts for my eyes.

wouldnt it have been better to paste your error message not something you found in google?

Haven't you got anything better to do then non helpful picking on such trivial things? Get a life.
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Postby yanchuchi » Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:45 am

I recently installed Ubuntu 7.10 on my dad's computer. Everything works fine with him, except Newsbin Pro. (5.35 RC4). What happens is that I install it, (installs fine) and then he adds the server/logon name, and then he tries to add groups. This is where it locks up. He selects one of the groups, clicks okay, and sometimes it works and sometimes it just stops. Minimizing it and trying to bring it back up shows that the process has stopped. Also, when he does get it working, he'll leave it minimized and go to another program and when he tries to bring the window back up, it does the same thing. Only the window borders are visible and then it says the process is not responding and shows the options "Wait" or "Terminate Program".

Any help is appreciated.
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Postby DThor » Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:39 pm

Might be a permission issue, but more likely it's something unstable in that particular version of wine you're using. Try starting NB from the command line using 'wine nbpro.exe' and see if you get any interesting messages in the shell when this happens...

No need to change it at this point, but it's a good idea to create a new topic instead of appending to an old one...

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Postby newsraider » Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:11 am

i would try a fresh install of 8.10. make sure you enable the video driver. install wine and then give it a go. im using the latest beta on ubuntu and everything works fine.
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