Ubuntu 8.04 - wine 0.9.59 - newsbin 5.40-8907 don't work

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Ubuntu 8.04 - wine 0.9.59 - newsbin 5.40-8907 don't work

Postby michaelv » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:37 am

Hi Winers...

I have installed the new Ubuntu 2 days ago , and i have tried a lot
of things to get newsbin to work....

I have used my Payed Codeweavers package without any success..
I have installed wine seperately without codeweavers and also this
setup failed...

Under Ubuntu 7.10 everything works okay , of course some graphics
annoying problems but i was happy...

The problem is that i can install it fine... Setup a newsserver in the
installation test it, it works flawless....

But when i startup newsbin i get this connect error in the start

"cannot connect to www.newsbin.com" and this means that the program
won't work at all....

Do anyone here has this working on hardy 8.04 please post....

/Michael Denmark
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Postby DThor » Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:56 am

Check for network connectivity problems.

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Postby michaelv » Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:22 am

Don't think it's that cause putty.exe and several other progz work
flawless.. Just install Ubuntu 7.10 again and Newsbin 5.40 works

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Postby Quade » Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:57 am

That sounds like the MOTD. What happens if you close the motd window?
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Postby xlcus » Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:04 pm

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04 too, and I just did a fresh install of Wine 0.9.60 and NewsBin 5.40-8907. Everything seems to work fine, just as it did before, so perhaps you could try updating to the latest version of wine and see if that helps.
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Postby newsraider » Thu May 15, 2008 9:49 pm

try wine 1.0 rc1


im using that now and it works pretty good.
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