Closing a window frequently locks up?

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Closing a window frequently locks up?

Postby StickyC » Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:19 am

I'm running into an issue where closing a dialog box (any dialog box) will lock up NBPro about 30% of the time. I can't find any pattern - dialogs that have locked up include server info entry, group add, nag dialog... (I gotta find my reg key). Closing the dialog will white out the contents of the dialog and NBPro freezes at that point. I have to use the close box and Force Quit the application.

New to Wine and linux, but I've been using NBPro off and on for years. I'm thinking this is a Wine setting issue, but I've no idea what. There's nothing obvious in the config screens. It's a totally fresh Wine install on a pretty bare-bones Ubuntu install.

NB v5.41 B8960
Wine Not sure what version - just installed via Ubuntu package manager
Ubuntu 8.04
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Postby newsraider » Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:25 am

you could try the latest version of wine

uninstall wine from ubuntu 1st and then try installing one of there deb files.

do you have your graphics driver enabled through ubuntu?
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Postby StickyC » Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:34 pm

Bingo - found that setting in the preferences. Once I switched it to not using the Window Manager for window management, the freezing stopped.

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Postby newsraider » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:57 am

glad to hear it :)
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