NewsBin-Wine-Fedora 10

While it isn't officially supported, we have many users who successfully run NewsBin under Linux with a Windows emulator (Wine is the most popular). This forum exists for you Linux guys to share your experience getting NewsBin running on Linux as well as report any strangeness that we may or may not be able to fix. DThor is the resident expert.

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NewsBin-Wine-Fedora 10

Postby mpgnetz » Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:49 am

FYI for anyone interested about FC10, want to thank everyone who posted to this board as you helped guide me in the right direction.

Initial install on FC10 would freeze as many have experienced in other posts and *nix flavors. In wine settings I chose graphics tab and removed check marks from

Allow windows manager to decorate the window
Allow windows manager to control windows

Configured it to emulate a virtual desktop I'm using 800X600 it's a small laptop, but since doing this. Hell Yeah!!!! No more freezing!!! Image link not allowed for unregistered users

I'll give it a roll for a couple of days see if it continues to work as expected. If so I'll pay Image link not allowed for unregistered users I like the product thinks it's worth every penny instead of using PAN, which I like but newsbin is 3fold better. Image link not allowed for unregistered users

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Postby Quade » Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:51 am

Haha sweet! That's good to know.
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Postby DThor » Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:22 pm

Cool, good info, thanks mpgnetz...

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Re: NewsBin-Wine-Fedora 10

Postby neonjohn » Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:32 pm

mpgnetz wrote:FYI for anyone interested about FC10, want to thank everyone who posted to this board as you helped guide me in the right direction.

Initial install on FC10 would freeze as many have experienced in other posts and *nix flavors. In wine settings I chose graphics tab and removed check marks from

Allow windows manager to decorate the window
Allow windows manager to control windows

Configured it to emulate a virtual desktop

I followed the rest of your post but I don't understand the last part. How do you configure a virtual desktop?

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Postby newsraider » Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:04 pm

if you go to the terminal and type "winecfg" there is a tab that say's graphics. you will find the option in there.

i've had success with unchecking the windows manage graphic box also in the past. although doesn't look to pretty :(
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Postby vadenasy » Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:41 am

How can I install Linux fedora 4 on a computer with out using Virtual PC?
I want to install linux fedora 4 on my computer to make it a server. But i want to do it so that it will run of the harddrive becaause i have a spare 250 gb that i want to use. So how can i put it on the computer itself instead of Virtual PC.
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Postby itimpi » Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:43 am

Just boot the PC off the Fedora DVD and then select the hard drive you want as the target for the install.
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Postby salmagory » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:47 am

Where can I get a large fedora online or where I live in Chicago? I have a pretty big head and fedoras like at target don't exactly fit me. Where can I get a good fitting fedora. I live in Chicago but a website could be nice to. I need like an xxl size hat lol. I have a big head.
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