While it isn't officially supported, we have many users who successfully run NewsBin under Linux with a Windows emulator (Wine is the most popular). This forum exists for you Linux guys to share your experience getting NewsBin running on Linux as well as report any strangeness that we may or may not be able to fix. DThor is the resident expert.
Moderators: Quade, dexter, newsraider, DThor
by tomnick » Thu May 21, 2009 5:27 am
Hi everybody,
got newsbin installed on ubuntu 9.04, Wine 1.0.1, NB 5.53. Everything works fine for about 5 minutes and then NB freezes. Any idea what could be wrong or anybody experienced the same problem?
Thanks for help
- n00b

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- Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 5:22 am
Registered Newsbin User since: 03/13/09
by DThor » Thu May 21, 2009 11:29 am
If you google, you'll find a number of instances of those versions of wine ubuntu freezing on one form or another. I'd hunt those down for starters. Unfortunately it seems quite recent, haven't noticed any solutions so far.
One thing to try is to run from the command line - see if anything interesting comes up when it locks up. I'm suspecting not, however.

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by tomnick » Thu May 21, 2009 12:57 pm
Get Wine 1.1.21 and it should work!
- n00b

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Registered Newsbin User since: 03/13/09
by DThor » Thu May 21, 2009 2:52 pm

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